Chp19: The neighbourhood...

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We had walked down the entire neighbourhood and were now heading to the bus stop on the main road. And right behind me walked my brothers huffing and puffing. "Don't you guys work out or something?" I questioned their physique.

"Apparently the audience don't demand such stamina" Steve retorted. His makeup was dripping down his face with the sweat.

"Man, your makeup is falling of. Oh my, it's so hot" Joe informed him to which Steve just groaned in anger. None of us had bothered to carry a water bottle so we suffered the consequences which involved the heat. The weather was too hot for my liking, I now regret wearing my black jeans. It feels like they are stuck to my skin plus they are black in colour which adds to my disadvantage as they absorb the heat.

I wanted to go back home to change into a pair of shorts but my brothers here were whining as if was the end of the world. "That too it is" Steve replied. He looked like a mess with the wig sticking to his face and his lipstick all smudged. His long blue full sleeves top was stuck to his arms and the sweat from his armpits was quite visible. He was a mess and no guy in their right mind would fall for him.

"Look you guys the bus stop is just a few steps a head we'll make it" I encouraged them.

"Yeah let's just keep walking when an air conditioned ride is just a phone call away" Steve countered.

"Can't you see the bus stop? We'll be fine" I pointed in the bus stops direction.

"We should have asked the driver to drop us off to the bus stop" Joe wished but it was too late. We just had walked down the neighbourhood, there are just three houses after our house. I wonder why they are reacting like that, I guess I am exaggerating the easiness of this situation. Each house must have a few acres to its ownership.

"It's just a few kelvins, we can bear it" I tried harder.

"Ke.. What?" Steve questioned.

"I meant that it's just a few Fahrenheit, we can bear it" I explained, the nutcase is having a heatstroke no wonder he's so disoriented. Note the sarcasm there.

"You should speak humane for not all of us come from the animal crib and how are you coping with the heat? England's summer isn't a bit of what we are at right now?" he was now getting on my nerves but I'll keep myself at bay, no matter. "I've got patience and poise" I shouted as he walked ahead of us wiping his face with a wet tissue which he removed from mum's handbag he stole earlier. "Like that'll get our Lady here, anywhere" he yelled with a smirk right on edges of his lips - I could sense it.

I was going to snap at him when Joe held me back. "Ella, it's been awhile since he was that sarcastic self. It's good to see him like that, you sure do have a good effect on everything like today's breakfast. It's been awhile since that one."

"The pleasures is all mine" I smirked in his way. That's when I saw Steve waving our way as he had reached the bus stop and so had the bus. We rushed towards the bus and got on to it just in time.

Now I was the one huffing and puffing. "So much for a workout" Joe snickered.

We took our seats separately as we couldn't find one next to each other. Steve was sitting oppositely to me so he was facing me unfortunately he was sitting next to this buff guy with tattoos. The guy looked creepy and Steve seemed uncomfortable. I tried to stifle my laugh as I couldn't help but notice how the guy kept giving Steve a leering look. Lord save him...


Author's note:

This chapter is dedicated to my dear friend WiseLemon..May God bless her.....

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