Chp20: Dilemma...

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I couldn't stop pitying Steve, he was an unfortunate soul. The buff guy now was sleeping and was leaning on Steve shoulder. Steve had that annoyed look on his face that he couldn't get rid off, while I thought Steve was the only one in dilemma there was a nervous Joe who looked as if he would rather jump off the bus.

To his dismay he was sitting next to an old lady who was openly flirting with him. Joe was at the edge of his seat ready to fall off. He looked at me with pleading look while Steve was really agitated and kept glaring at me, since I was the one who had to choose the place to hang out but I simply couldn't get off the bus without seeing Joe fix a date with that old lady for the sake of his safety even though it may be temporary.

And I certainly couldn't leave without seeing Steve resolve the situation of the buff guy leaning on him since he couldn't get him off his shoulder he just let him be, but as soon as he would wake up; I am sure Steve wouldn't leave the bus without a square punch on his jaw.

As I was imagining the scenarios that could take place I noticed Steve and Joe share a knowing look as if trying to warn me but I simply couldn't think of anything they could threaten me with. That was until my phone pinged.

I had a message from Steve, I opened it and saw a picture of mum at a party. The message read "Ella, why don't you make up your mind otherwise we would've to go to the tea party of Mrs. Arnold. Now you wouldn't want to be a part of the latest gossip, would you?" I looked at the message and I was nothing but baffled.

I wouldn't let Steve slip this one bit. So I replied to the message " who on earth is Ms. Arnold?" I tried avoiding the main point in his text, the threat.

I actually did remember Ms. Arnold, she was that imbecile woman asking me to follow my mum's footprints. I received a text and I read it immediately the words were unnerving "trying to avoid the main point here aren't you but what can I do when you were born like that. Anyways, the picture is quite recent from an hour or two ago. So you might want to lower that over confident self within you. And not to mention that Ms.Arnold's party is just a bus stop away." He had the winking emoji at the end of his text which angered me.

"You just hit a nerve there but you'll pay for it and you'll owe me one." I finished my message with a smiling emoji.

I stood up at the next bus stop and headed for the doors; I had no idea where I was getting off so I just decided to leave that up to the boys who were so engrossed in their situations that they didn't even have the slightest idea where we were - I suppose.

As I stepped off the bus and waited for the boys to follow. I saw Joe with a look of defeat and I witnessed Steve rushing out of the bus with a buff tattoo guy hot on his heels. But the poor guy couldn't make it due to many passengers getting on the bus and to Steve's luck the bus doors slid close just in time.

"That guy needs a spanking from his mom. No thanks to you, Ella" Steve took a seat on a bench and tried to fix his wig which had drool on it. It looked so disgusting, I would've thrown that wig if I were to be in his place. He better discard it when we reach home. I am sure none of us would want that wig.

"What can I do when you still look attractive even though you were sweating profusely" I retorted.

"At least you got rid of him, that old lady has my phone number." Steve and I couldn't stop guffawing at Joe's situation.

"Bro, ho...ow did you end up there?" Steve questioned him through his laughing hysteria.

"You guys can keep it low, well she snatched my phone and started saving her number in it despite me trying to interrupt her. Then she called her cell by my phone and saved my number, she even took my picture." Joe sounded like a mess in a disguise.

"Dude you need to change your number or better yet switch it off for today and change it tomorrow. Anyways, I always wondered why you never dated anyone but I guess it takes time to find your match when you barely ride the public transports." Steve winked.

"Enough of that nonsense. Ella, lead the way." Joe ordered me as he was switching of his mobile phone.

I stood there looking between them, hoping that they figure it out and lead the way themselves.

"Don't tell me you don't know where we are" Steve guessed or more like joked. When I didn't make a move to counter back they both looked at me astonished.

"What? Don't expect me to know where I am running when my life is at gunpoint."

Author's note:
This chapter is dedicated to imondrugs for being my recent follower..

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