Chp2: The site of my family...

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I opened my eyes and to my surprise I found myself in a room which looked like the room I had back at school. Of course I couldn't be at school that was for sure. I had fainted in front of the media neither cause of nervousness nor cause of tiredness just because of the reason I am claustrophobic.

I stood out of the bed and headed towards the door. I looked down, it was the living-room of my house, I turned back and stared at the room I had just been in. It was my room, I was home. I was somewhat happy to be home. I rushed to the living-room.

"Oh hello, Ella my dear." Kate (my mother) exclaimed. "You're already up. How do you feel now?" she asked. "I am fine, I guess." My mom was surprised to see me. She had just arrived from an interview or so I thought, I mean who puts on so much make up at home and that to get dressed up fancily. She was wearing a white dress that reached her knees, not to mention the dress was covered in different glittered colours. With that she was holding a brown colored clutch. Her hair had grown long since I had seen her last which was several months ago. "For how long was I asleep?" I asked. "Half an hour, I guess" was a reply I heard; it was someone from the back. So I turned around and to my surprise it was Steve.

He was standing next to the staircase with a smirk on his face. I couldn't believe it; I actually didn't recognize his voice. He is a brother who didn't visit me in years of time. The last time I saw him, I was thirteen and now I am eighteen. Distance what he keeps from the people even his own family. I walked towards him; he reached out to hug me.

"I missed you"

"I highly doubt that" was my reply. I mean if he missed me he would have at least called me but he never did. I swear if I didn't have his pictures I wouldn't have been able to recognise him today. "You have the right to" he said, I could see remorse on his face so I just let it go easy, I wouldn't have but he has been through a lot so I decided to forgive him. "Never to late to say sorry" I replied with a smirk on my face. "I am sorry for all I did from the depth of my heart"he said being a bit dramatic well that is his job being an actor. I played along "I forgive you from the core of my heart."

We broke into a fit of laughter. That's when I noticed how much he had changed, you couldn't see the shine of mischief in his blue eyes any longer. There was only pain visible in his eyes. I remember his curly chocolate locks but now those locks didn't exist. I used to call him every single day hoping that he would answer my call but he never seemed to till one day someone did answer, it was Joe. It was back then on my 15th birthday I found out about his depression. He had literally shaved his head that's how depressed he was. He faced lot of difficulties but he never had even tried to fight them.

I was distracted from my thoughts as soon as I felt someone engulf me into a back hug and then twirl me around. I inhaled the scent that surrounded me and realised it was Sebastian, he always uses that same strong cologne. Wonder why he likes it so much?

"You're heavy" he said, setting me to my feet. "I'm not" I replied. Anyways Sebastian shouldn't mind even if I was, he has a well built body and he's fit as well. "Just kiddin" he replied. "Where's your mrs.?" I asked, since I didn't know her name. I mean they just got married out of the blue and when they did I had exams, so no party for me to attend. "Her name's Rose and she has gone for shopping."

"So, where is dad and Mark? Are they shopping too? I asked feeling annoyed. They should have been here, I came home after years of time and there is no family to welcome me. Well they did but I wanted it to be my whole family together not me looking for them like puzzle pieces. Well that's the sight of my family then; scattered around. I'm sure I saw dad with mum answering the questions of the media when I got off the jeep. As soon I fainted they decided to leave, nevertheless mum came back. "No, but I don't know where they are" replied Sebastian.

"He's at work" said mum who was just stepping down the last step of the staircase. Taking in her appearance she had just changed her clothes and washed all the makeup. Without makeup she looks like a person who hasn't slept for days. "Then where is Mark?" I asked. "He's with his dad at work" replied mum. My jaw dropped in surprise, I looked at my brothers who where in deep conversation sitting on the bar tools in the kitchen but they didn't look surprised. I mean Mark the definition of laziness was working and to add to my astonishment with dad at his business. Dad was an actor for sure but he had a side business as well, it was meant to keep the house running during ups and downs.

But Mark's profession was acting, according to him it doesn't take effort. He says acting runs in his blood and it comes out naturally. "Close your mouth before a fly gets into it and besides it's not like Mark joined the business. He went with dad just to get some cash" Steve answered looking at my reaction. I closed my mouth immediately and thought about what Steve just said. Couldn't Mark change? I mean he's all grown up now, he might be the youngest among the brothers but seriously he needed to be serious about work. He just wastes his earnings and then borrows money from dad. "Why would you get such a thought anyways as if you don't know him" said Sebastian. "Oh you know just expecting some change" I replied being honest with what I just said. "Old habits die hard" replied Steve.

"Come have lunch you guys" mum said as she was fixing the cutlery for herself. We ate lunch in complete silence at the table. I don't know what they were thinking but I was happy to eat homemade food after years of time even if the chef had cooked it not mum who was supposed to do so.

After lunch mum had gone to have her beauty sleep. People and their weird timings.

Me, Sebastian and Steve were watching a movie. The movie happened to be among Sebastian's early career movies, when he was around seventeen; I guess. "Where is Sebastian? We've been watching this movie for hours and there is no sign of your character" I asked.

The movie was quite boring, the reason I was watching it was to see the young Sebastian. "Just wait and watch and besides it's only been half an hour since we started watching the movie" he replied. "If that's so it's quite boring. Anyways, where is Joe? He didn't even have lunch" I questioned. "He slept after carrying you to your room. He's been awake since four and don't worry about lunch he had enough time before your plane landed so he ate lunch already" he replied.

We hadn't even noticed that Steve had slept already until we heard snoring. "Well that proves it, the movie is boring" I commented. My eyelids felt heavy and that's when I fell asleep.


I heard some sort of bang and my eyelids quickly opened. They still felt heavy, just before they closed again I caught a glimpse of dad and Mark. According to what I heard they were arguing about something. My head fell on Steve's shoulder and that's when I felt someone kissing my forehead.

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