Chp26: Matter of perception...

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Alleys and galleys are places for rallies, so it wasn't wise of me to be in one. But daylight assured safety within as I continued walking down the chiseled path.

At the end of the alley there was a park which caught my attention. So I decided to sit there for awhile, swing on the swings and perhaps slide down the slide. Just for old time sake but no matter how hard I tried to rekindle being a kid again, the time had just slipped through my hands.

I walked towards the playground which was empty and creepy but the only place with no people and no noise. Seclusion is really helpful at times as it helps you to ponder over your mistakes and perhaps find a way to fix them. I sunk low on the swing as I barely made an effort to swing to and fro. I was looking at my feet as they sunk in the sand and how the sand enveloped their being. I felt the vacant swing beside me being occupied but didn't dare look up, I guess the fear of a creep turning up kept me in place.

"Look, who it is?" I jerked back with fright as I looked up to see if the person was talking to me and he surely was.

"Edmund!!" I was shocked to see him here but then I noticed his outfit which was the uniform for the waiters of the ice cream parlour. I knew there was something wrong with that waiter and look who he just happened to be. My realisation wasn't wrong nor were my suspicions.

"Yes, it's the great Edmund whose eyes just made you question the situation" he replied with a smile on his face.

"Guess you just couldn't hide behind a blonde wig and a pair of thick black rimmed glasses." We were talking as if there was no stupid rumour going on about us on the news this morning, I felt freed from those thoughts.

"I sure couldn't but the glasses do their job well enough, they just couldn't pass your eyes though"

"I am quite observant you see especially with things that fascinate me like your eye colour. But how did you recognise me?" I questioned him.

"Your brothers did that job. Your disguise was perfect though, I didn't think it was you at first but it had to be you."

"They sure did. I did pull off the disguise well enough but I guess acting isn't my forte so I probably failed at deluding you. So, you work here" I stated the obvious.

"Next time do rehearse, you wouldn't want people recognising you. I actually work here on a daily routine. It's a nice escape from the city and its people."

"It's very secluded and as though unheard of, very relaxing too." This place really held a captivating aura with its beauty and simplicity.

"The sky looks so different from here, doesn't it?" He stated and questioned my opinion at the same time.

"A matter of perception but it sure looks more beautiful, open and untouchable."

"At least, our perspectives are the same on this matter..." he paused as though he just remembered something.

"Why did you stop? Continue on what you were saying."  He look really amused as his eyes glinted.

"You should really check this place out; at sunset - I go there almost everyday. You can join me today as soon as my shift finishes" he looked at me with hope of acceptance, I couldn't deny those hopeful blue eyes.

"I'll just ask my brothers then" I could see my answer light up his face with a beam that was unforgettable.

This chapter is dedicated to @AgentMuslim for being my recent follower..

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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