Chp5: Party...

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I was snapped out of my trance when I heard the person talking to me.

"I am sorry. I didn't quite catch that."

"I was just asking, are you Ella Wilson?"

"Yes, I am. Do I know you?" I asked a bit confused about someone I just met already knowing my name. Creepy much..

"No, you don't know me but I know you. I saw you on television yesterday. I mean you are a Wilson right..."

"So that's how you know me." He sat next to me, looking straight ahead at colourful sunset.

"I am Edmund. You'll get to know me as time goes on." That statement confused me even more. How would I get to know him when I don't even know if I am going to meet him after this.

"I wonder how. Anyways, do you like golf?"

"Yes, I do." After that the atmosphere was filled with silence,not an uncomfortable one but rather a peaceful one.

The sun lowered down, it's reflection in the lake was quite fascinating. The image was smeared but the colours were clear. The colours of the lake held such delight and peace, just like Edmund's eyes. His eyes were mesmerising and beautiful, not to mention captivating. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear my name being called so Edmund shook me.

"Your brother is calling you."

"Sorry, I just got lost in the beautiful scenery ahead."

"Well it's something worth getting lost in."

"That's for sure." I stood up and saw Sebastian approaching towards us. He looked exhausted, probably willing to go home now.

" I see you made a friend." Edmund had stood up and was brushing grass blades off his pants.

"Hello, I am Edmund." He had his hand out stretched for Sebastian to shake which Sebastian shook with a smile on his face.

"I am Sebastian, Ella's brother. Are you by any chance Edmund Warburton?" If Sebastian knew him in any way I would definitely get to know him as time goes on. His last name sounded like that of a Lord in England. Now that I notice Edmund speaks in a different accent, which was Australian perhaps.

"Unfortunately I am." He muttered, hoping that we didn't hear him. He spoke in such a low voice but his words didn't escape my hearing. Sebastian mustn't have heard him since he questioned his response to which Edmund answered with a yes.

"It's so nice meeting you finally. I heard great deal about you since your arrival from Australia, especially from your sister." So I was right about his accent.

"Aa yes she's working with you. I am hoping she invited your family to the party she is having this weekend."

"Oh yes, she did."

"I am looking forward to you coming to the party." Edmund was looking at me. Okay, let me make this clear I don't like parties. It's all about socialising which is sort of my weak point but nonetheless I would be dragged to this party by my mother since she didn't let me be...

"She'll be there. We should get going Ella, it's getting late. See you at the party Edmund." Sebastian had answered for me which I found quite rude since my answer was going to be completely different.

"Yeah, see you at the party" was my goodbye to Edmund, on a sarcastic note towards Sebastian.

I was so not looking forward to attending this party....

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