Chp9: I've heard otherwise...

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Everything around me was so flashy. The cameras flashed in front of our car, I wondered how the driver was still driving without hitting the cameramen.

The moment we reached the entrance the butler opened the doors of the car. Mark was the first one to step down the car and as soon as he did, he turned into the cameramen answering their questions and acting almighty. Man I swear I hated his attitude. Where as Steve hung his head low and disappeared towards the entrance. Now that I ponder, where was he during dinner last night? His eyes were bloodshot and yet he arrived at the party, he sure needed some rest. Him and Joe had some changes in their behaviours lately.

When I stepped out, Mark was still answering questions whereas Sebastian and Rose were answering there own group of cameramen, basically I was in the middle of everything. As soon as I had stepped of the car the crowd turned to me and asked Sebastian about me and asked me some random questions.

"Do you like it here?"

"How does it feel to join your family after so many years?"

"Do you plan on taking up the same career as your siblings?"

And so on went there questions, Mark lead us to the entrance. I was surprised that there would be a crowd of the reporters at a private party held at their house.

When I passed the threshold, I noticed a staircase that went underground and the lights dimmed around that area. But we were led to this hall with people beyond my age group. Of course I recognised them as they were all famous people. In the midst of the hall I spotted my mother and ducked behind Sebastian.

"Ella, she won't kill you." Sebastian tried.

"You said she wouldn't have friends here but she looks so friendly with the people surrounding her." I retorted. There is a fact about mum that she's never friendly with people that she is not well acquainted with. No wonder she's so brutal towards me.

"Ella, it'll be okay. Don't worry I'll accompany you." Rose comforted me as I appeared from behind Sebastian's back.

"No, don't accompany me Rose. You already had your fair share of that nonsense. I'll bear with her." Mark was now talking to mum and her little group. Mum's eyes landed on me as a predator's lands on the prey. I felt a shiver down my spine but nonetheless ignored it.

"You sure"

"I've made up my mind." Mum beckoned us to come over. Every step I took towards her little group, I could feel their eyes boring in to my every move. I felt vulnerable, we had our quick introduction which I barely heard as my head was hung low.

I felt Rose patting my shoulder indicating her cue to leave. Both Sebastian and Rose sent me apologetic looks where as Mark smirked and left. I wanted to stick my tongue out at him and how I wanted to strangle him.

"So Ella tell us how does it feel to be back?" Some woman stood there asking me the same question asked by the reporters. I didn't recognise her to be someone in the film industry she had the aura of a business woman with her head held high and voice demanding and controlling.

"It feels good." I tried to keep it short. Oh, how I wished Joe was here. He would have been right by my side entertaining me with his sarcastic replies. But right now my mum is glaring at me as if I killed someone.

"So I heard you graduated, what are you planning on doing next? We expect you to follow your mother's footprints as she's a great lady and a successful one too." Mum let out a giggle and pretended to dodge the woman's compliment. I swear she was high on champagne. Now that I notice all the women had their share of drinks in their hands where as I didn't even meet the host of the party let alone to be served. All the women's heads snapped behind me and their attention was diverted, now that saved me from answering that damn question.

"I hope you are enjoying the party." I turned around and saw Melinda. She was dressed in an off shoulder silk gown. The colour of the gown suited her complexion. The women answered with curtesy.

"Ella dear, this is Melinda. She is the daughter of Mr.Warburton." Mum introduced, as if I didn't know her. But for the record she wouldn't know who I met or talked to since we don't have mother-daughter conversations.

"Ella, I hope you remember me. We met at the golf course." Melinda tried. Honestly, I did remember her but I didn't know she was Edmund 's sister.

"Ah yes. I couldn't forget." Mum had returned to her showbiz conversation.

"I see you, didn't have anything to drink." She beckoned the waiter.

"No, a glass of water will be just fine." I didn't want to go high when I was strictly asked to behave even in my consciousness.

"Oh okay." She passed a glass of water to me.


"You're welcome, so Ella tell me something about yourself."

"I don't think there's much to me" I replied. I feel fairly awkward talking to her.

"But I've heard otherwise from Ed...." Someone in distance called. I sure didn't want to carry on with this talk. But I wonder who she heard that from. I think I heard Ed at the end. Did Edmund mention me to his sister?

"Excuse me, please"

"Yeah, sure. Why not?"

I turned back to mum and her boring conversations with the guests and smiled at whoever looked at me.


My feet were sore as I had been standing for hours. I didn't get how mum was still chattering with such enthusiasm. I have a feeling that she's wearing flats under that long gown of her's. In the midst of this party never did I once see Steve. Where is he?

And to add to my worries for the past hour my mind has been playing the conversation I had with Joe over and over again. I simply had a headache now. His words were filled with worry which made me feel bad for not listening to him.


"Joe, how do I look?" I questioned him. He glanced up in my direction and his eyes were filled with worry.

"Ella, why I are you wearing that?"

"Been threatened. Anyways why aren't you coming?"

"No, go upstairs right now and change." I would've done that as Joe could easily fight off mum later but he dodged by question. He's been doing that quite often since I came back. I wonder why???

"No, Joe. You keep avoiding my questions what's wrong? Why aren't you coming? You're not even coming for me. What am I going to do without you at the party?"

"Ella, you keep worrying about yourself. The world doesn't revolve around you...." He snapped. Joe has never talked to me in that tone. He has always been my loving parent since our parents couldn't do their job. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes.

"Ella, I didn't mean..." I interrupted him.

"Good night, Joe." I stood up and headed to leave, I was going to hold a grudge against him but I knew he would convince me in the end but nonetheless.

"Ella at least change your clothes. I am sure as hell you aren't comfortable in that." I didn't listen and left. I would've listened to him but I was hurt and he needed to know that.


Authors note:

Hey, readers I hope you are enjoying the story so far.....

And well this chapter is dedicated to BeTrue2Me. She is an amazing writer, make sure to check out her book namely Love, Life and awkward moments.....

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