Chp18: Question their sanity...

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Have you ever looked at a boy and said "he's beautiful"? Well I just did that..
Steve was dressed up like a beautiful teenage girl, well being a girl just reduce his age since he didn't look like a 26 year old.

"Cut it out Ella. I may change my mind." Steve was trying to threaten me to stop laughing since he couldn't find a way to make Joe stop.

"No can do when you like a beautiful young girl." I laughed and he kept glaring at me.

"Seriously, how did you manage to look so young?" I questioned.

"Makeup" was his simple reply. He was adjusting his wig when Joe gained his composure.

"Oh my god, I can't believe it. So it was you who Benny was falling for." Joe had an surprised look on his face.

"Oh, don't remind me of that clingy devil. It took me weeks to get rid of him." Steve wore an exasperated expression.

"But how did you know?" He questioned.

"You see I was right there with him when you were drunk and gave him your number" Joe answered. Steve was about to say something but I interrupted " what's done is done so can we just get on with this already."

I was eager to know about this whole incident but it would result in us being late for our outing which wasn't cool. Plus who knows? Maybe someone else might fall for Steve and I would be there to witness it.

"Okay. Just put on your wig and we'll head out." Joe moved towards a clothes stand and started looking at the dresses which made me pray that he wouldn't ask me to change my clothes.

"Ella, this one here is perfect for your get up." Joe suggested and Steve nodded in agreement.

"Can't I dress in some casuals like a pair of jeans and a simple top or better yet in my own clothes?" I asked with pleading eyes since what Joe was holding was a dress and I didn't want anything to do with dresses that weren't mine as from my previous experience with them, wasn't pleasant.

"Okay, but do hurry up. We are being lenient here as for I am in a strict condition." Steve answering mentioning his situation in a different attire. I smiled at them with gratefulness and left the disguise chamber. Well that name is too harsh but the room is for harsh conditions regarding me since I want nothing to do with it.

I want to be free without worrying about being in gossip columns of magazines and I hope that freedom didn't slip by me as came back home.

I decided on wearing a black jeans with a full sleeved white baggy shirt; it actually felt nice to get back into my regular clothes after wearing that horrendously exposing dress. I headed downstairs and saw my brothers at the doorstep talking to the butler who held the car door ajar for them. I rushed towards them as I noticed their stupid mistake.

"Steve..." I panted after running down a 59 steps of the staircase and yes I was counting.

He turned around and gave me a incredulous look. "What is it?"

"You idiots, normal people don't go around in a BMW with a butler who opens the door for them and specially with the Wilson family name mention on the number plate" I informed them while the butler looked at me questioningly at the mention of his actions. Joe dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

"Well, normal people don't call a girl with a guy's name." Steve retorted at my slip.

I was about to say something witty in response to Steve when Joe interrupted " Don't bicker and backer."

"Fine, I'll get the Range Rover." Steve left to get the keys.

"Won't the Range Rover even have the family name on the number plate?" I questioned his sanity.

"What do you suggest we do?" Steve retorted.

"I don't know. What do you guys do? You're the ones used to the disguise route or is it that the paparazzi's still manage to get a hold on you?"

"Well, they do get my pictures in the magazines no matter what I do." Joe answered while scratching his forehead.

"Now you know the reason" I contemplated.

"They never got a hold of me in my disguise. I guess that they doubted themselves as I disguised my self very well." Steve smirked and stood proudly at the realisation of his achievement.

"I guess we should use the public transport."

"What????" They both questioned in unison. The reply I heard to my mere suggestion had left me holding my ears.


This chapter is dedicated to Awesomeginger584...

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