Chp13: Apologies...

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I heard the door creak open so I turned over on my bed. I knew it was Joe trying to tip toe inside. Even though he knew I was a light sleeper, he still tried to be quiet as possible but always failed.

"You know I am trying to sleep here" I retorted. He sighed, I could hear his footsteps getting closer. I had ignored him after returning from the party which was around 1 o'clock, with a drunk Steve and slightly drunk Mark who hadn't even bothered to help me. But of course Edmund had been a gentleman to escort us to the car with his servants who tucked Steve into the car.

"Ella, turn around please. I am sorry." His voice pleading so I gave in and switched on the bed lamp.

"I know how this goes. I am sorry Ella, I shouldn't have been so rude and all. Well, you know what Joe I forgive you." I predicted what he was going to say though I left out the part where he goes like, Ella I'll do anything you want. I left it out on purpose since I didn't want anything from him as if I didn't have him spent half of his earning already. I knew Joe had his money on decorating my room since I could tell just the taste of the things he preferred and the appearance of the furniture just gave off their quality and price. I didn't want any graduating presents or welcome back home presents from him now.

"Really??" He questioned.

"Yes, I must know that you can't always be there for me"

"No, that's not the thing. Look I can't go and make appearance with Sebastian when he's trying to promote his movie. And never say that, I am always going to be by your side no matter what." I was confused but didn't question him any further.

"I see you took a shower." Joe was playing with one of my hair strands which was wet.

"Can you blame me? I felt filthy with puke all over me. Steve better apologise about this tomorrow." While driving back home Steve had puked all over the car and Mark hadn't bothered to help me so I was completely drenched in puke by the time I got home. It was of the reasons I ignored Joe, the dress I was wearing was all sticky. I bet if mum saw it she would faint as she had put so much time and effort to choose that dress.

"Well, I am sure he will. Now go to sleep." Joe kissed me on my forehead and switched off the lights on his way. His silhouette disappeared as he closed the door. I glanced at ceiling of the room and caught something shining, I stared at it for awhile till I realised it was one of the star stickers on the ceiling that shines in the dark.

Actually Joe hadn't bothered to remove any of the stickers since I loved them so much when I was a kid. I was scared of the dark so they were put up there by dad and that's how I grew out of my fear.

I wonder how it would be to actually sleep under the stars.


Author's note:

Sorry, this chapter is short...

This chapter is dedicated to deansmine632 for being the very first one to leave a comment about this book...

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