Chp7: It seemed less...

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My anger was like the fire heating the dinner except I wasn't expressing it on anyone or anything. That's one of my problems I can't express my feelings easily.

I am among the people who easily get manipulated so it must have been easy for Sebastian to convince me.

"No, you should have made spaghetti." Mark kept nagging. Unlike me he was quite stubborn, he absolutely refused to have lasagna for dinner.

"It's not like you'll lose anything if you've lasagna for dinner. Besides its been awhile since Ella ate lasagna made by me" Joe argued.

Mum and Rose were out attending one of mum's parties, so Joe was cooking. While dad and Sebastian were watching some news channel.

All in all I was in a house full of men. It felt awkward so I simply went to check if dinner was ready and ended up getting lost in the blazing fire that was heating the dinner.

"There she is lost in her trance. Any ways I am ordering" Mark was looking at me which made me come out of my train of thoughts. When I looked up at him, I noticed him being childish wanting everything his way and quite unwelcoming where as Joe was smacking his forehead and muttering something, while Mark left the kitchen.

He looked like a mother annoyed with her kid in an apron and a spatula in his hand. His get up made me snort a loud laugh. As Joe looked completely clueless. When I regained my posture I felt a stitch at the side of my stomach. So I touched my toes without bending my knees. It was a little advice given to me by Joe, it was quite helpful and often worked.

"So you still remember my advice huh?" Joe was now placing the utensils and ingredients back in their places. He didn't question me about the sudden eruption of my laughter. He looked tired so I decided to help him. He accepted my help without an argument, which he usually picks up.

"Always needed it so how could I forget it"

I had a lot on my plate that's what I kept thinking but after looking at the bags under Joe eyes I felt selfish and way too self concerned. My worries seemed less important to the worried look on his face.

"Why don't you sit down and relax a bit and tell me about your day, since I didn't see you since yesterday" I questioned him.

"Why don't you tell me how did you end up agreeing to go to a party?"

"Joe, don't try to dodge my question. Answer me will you"

He sighed and gave in. "Well after dropping you off I even had to go back to work, which was quite hectic. So I slept for an hour or so and then left."

"When did you come back? The bags under your eyes show that you didn't sleep much at night." I placed the last dish in the dishwasher. Where on earth was the chef and where were the servants? I took a seat next to Joe on a barstool.

"I couldn't even catch a wink last night. It's all because of the up coming movie and it's premiere."

"Don't you always have to deal with those?"

"Yeah, but this time coincidentally Sebastian's movie is also releasing at the same time of the month so I am afraid of being compared with him. Not only that but the competition mom and dad will make out of it scares me." I was getting where he came from. I always felt bad when mum compared me to Mark. It always hurt and gave you the feeling of being looked over.

"I am sure you don't think of it as a competition so neither worry nor regret about the results. Whatever's the result you'll come through and I'll be right by your side." Joe smiled at my response and I felt somewhat less tensed about the party.

"Anyways, are you going to the party?" Before Joe could answer the oven clinked indicating that dinner was ready and right on cue dad asked :"Is dinner ready?"

Joe replied with a yes as he placed the lasagna on the dinning table.and that's when everyone gathered around the table except for Mark who ordered pizza and was eating it while watching TV.

Guess I'll have to find out tomorrow whether Joe is going to the party or not. If he does go that would be a great moral support.....

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