Chp10: Losing its charm...

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This party was losing its charm but people were still here, waiting for what I wonder. I didn't even know why this party was held in the first place.

For the past hour or so I had been observing the decorations, they were lovely. There were rosettes hung on the pillars. This place had a Roman aura, it reminded me of the Romans who decorated their courtyards with roses. The party hall had different coloured roses and down the hall there was a parlour with an entrance covered with roses. Overall the party didn't reek of alcohol according to the amount consumed. It smelt of roses, I even closed my eyes and felt like I was in a garden.The party organiser must love roses to have it in every corner of the room.

There was a sudden cry of cheer or so I heard. Everyone gather around the staircase probably welcoming someone. Even mum and some of her friends rushed towards this someone. I just stood there wanting to go home.

After a while the crowd cleared around the staircase and revealed the old lady I met on the plane. This party must be held for her but I wonder who she is?? She looked weaker than before.

Edmund was leading her to circle people, introducing her to them. I can't help but notice the resemblance, Edmund has the same eyes as this lady. I am guessing she's his grandma.

"Ella, how are you doing? I hope you are enjoying the party..." I lifted my gaze off the floor since the pattern of the tiles seemed quite fascinating for some weird reason. Edmund was standing there, all smiles. His hair was tousled, now that I notice he had auburn highlights in that black hair of his.

"I am fine" I replied, not really willing to answer the next question.

"Is this the girl you were talking about all along? Dear" asked the old lady next to him.

She looked so exhausted but presentable with her almost grey hair in locks right next to her ears. She looked cute in the outfit she was wearing. It was a baby blue mid skirt with a lighter shade coloured blouse. She was the one the party had been held for since the blazer she was wearing had a brooch of different coloured roses which went quite well with the theme.

"Yes, she's the one. Ella, I'd like to introduce you to the birthday girl."

"What nonsense child!!" She hushed him and went on. "I am Edmund's paternal grandmother."

"Happy birthday!! How are feeling now, Mrs. Warburton? You know after meeting your family." Edmund had a confused look on his face.

"Aaah so you remember me?" I would never forget her for her jovial attitude towards such a horrid situation.

"Well actually I feel much better here with my family. And child don't call me Mrs. Warburton, do call me granny." I nodded, agreeing to her request..

"Have you guys met before?" Edmund looked between us with utter confusion on his face.

"Yeah, we met on the plane from England"

The waiters got the birthday cake. "Granny let's cut the cake." Edmund urged Mrs. Warburton.

"I'll be right back honey. We still have a lot to talk about."

The cake was a three tiered cream cake with red roses beneath every tier. Everyone started singing for Mrs. Warburton. She was the only person so far at the party who I was actually happy to talk to even though I wasn't expecting to meet her again. This world is sure a small place....


Author's note:

Sorry for the late update....

This chapter is dedicated to my dear friend Huniya (rain9939) for being a great supporter.....

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