Chp11: Avoiding the situation...

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The party seemed so pointless with people just having dinner and chatting among themselves. It was like that they just came here to eat food and meet each other, I mean this isn't a party. There's no dance floor not even music playing in the background.

Dinner was over and was I glad it was. There was small talk going on among everyone and I felt left out, I wonder where Rose and Sebastian were. There were around 50 to 60 circular tables set up in the lawn for dinner and not even one was vacant, there were simply so many people. Probably Sebastian, Rose, Steve and Mark were somewhere in the crowd.

There was the birthday cake for dessert, it was delicious but there wasn't enough space in my tummy to savour it. I had excused my self from the table whilst leaving mum had glared at me and sure had dug a hole in my back as I left.

I was now standing near a fountain, I couldn't say it was peaceful around since it was in the middle of the two lawns were the guests were having dinner. It was quite loud with the waiters buzzing around with platters of food and glasses of drinks. It all made me feel somewhat sick.

"Avoiding the situation, now are we?" Edmund questioned, he was sipping off his drink which looked quite appealing at the moment but I was told ( by mum of course, she was going to leave with Sebastian and Rose still hoping to attend the other party) to hold my ground since Steve and Mark would turn up drunk. I might as well turn out to be their designated driver.

"What situation?" I asked dumbfounded.

"The one you were stuck in a while a go but snuck out nevertheless the consequences."

"Oh, so you noticed."

"I wouldn't say noticed since I've been through that phase. I might as well know, I was in the same situation a few days a go." I looked at him incredulously. I mean, how could someone like him be stuck in such a party let alone a few days ago. I am sure he could have avoided going to the party unlike me.

"I wonder, how did you escape it?" I couldn't hold back that question since it could be my get away back home.

" I didn't." To my disappointment he didn't.


"But I do have an escape route for you." That sentence filled hope within me.

"You do"

"I sure do." He smirked at my reaction and grabbed my hand and led us to the getaway but to my surprise he led us to the house but before I could question him, we headed towards the staircase that I had noticed earlier.

And to my surprise we actually headed to a party. To a real party....


Author's note:
This chapter is dedicated to ASUHbooklover as she's one of my great friends I met on wattpad..

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