Chp23: Observant...

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It was hard to see Joe crying since he always appeared to be the strong one but sometimes pulling up facades can keep you strong and influence others lives with good.

"You keep saying that Steve has been through a lot but you yourself were there with him, supporting him so you are the one who actually went through a lot. Because seeing someone so close to your heart breaking down like that is devastating within itself and no wonder you feel joy for his improvement" I comforted Joe.

He sniffed. "It was devastating but at first I didn't feel obliged to save my younger brother from the wrong, I constantly thought it was mom and dad's job but my perception was mistaken and so I didn't bother. Consequently, he was left astray since mom and dad were never by his side; I feel this guilt surge through me every now and then" he wiped a tear off his face as I rubbed soothing circles on his back.

"I should have followed the saying 'better safe than sorry'" he joked.

"I feel so cozy in my own clothes. Gosh the bother of dressing up as someone else" Steve tucked the clothes in my bag as he waved the waiter to our table, placing an order for Joe and himself since I didn't bother to do that. Steve looked suspicious in the alternative disguise since I had chosen a big cowboy hat in a hurry, he could give us out with it. Which I am pretty sure Joe was doing since he needed the publicity for his upcoming movie but he had been quite discreet with his behaviour as he was my brother before an entertainer.

"Then you must certainly understand my struggle with mum taking over my wardrobe" I commented on Steve's opinion about his clothes.

"I know where you are coming from since we all have been through that phase" Steve agreed. I sensed him trying to be ignorant about Joe's tears since he wouldn't know what to say and Joe completely got it since he was the who even knew his soul.

I saw the waiter go around with trays in his hand which were occupied with chocolate milkshakes and I'd expect it to be our turn to be served but unfortunately our order took long. Even the time of the shift of the waiters was about to end, I am quite an observant person and came to acknowledge every little detail of this parlour. The little board with schedule set up and the chalkboard with the special menu for today scrawled down and the bulletin board with the employee of the month. You can call me observant or jobless that's completely up to you.

I saw two people enter the place they must've been the other shift of workers since the waiter who took our order, informed one of them about the tasks he had done till now. I was aware of this since he made various gestures pointing towards the pad he wrote orders on and the tables the orders were supposed to be placed on.

I hoped we were the first ones on this guy's list of placing orders. And on cue my prayers were answered as one of the workers placed a tray with a chocolate milkshake and lemonades on the counter. The waiters whose shifts were over went to change out of their work uniforms as one of the two men who entered earlier went to change into his uniform as he asked his coworker who entered the parlour with him to serve our order to us.

I couldn't take my eyes off the my appetising milkshake as it made my mouth water. "Hold your horses, dear. The milkshake won't run away." Joe advised.

"Yeah, you are scrutinising the milkshake like a predator" Steve agreed.

"Well in my defence, my morning was unheard off" I reminded them of the events of this morning.

"Let us just forget about everything related to that boring city and indulge ourselves in the serenity of this town" Steve suggested as the waiter served.

But as I had agreed on this matter I saw a pair of blue eyes that halted me from doing so. Oh how I wish I wasn't so observant about my surroundings and could dismiss this diminishing realisation.

This chapter is dedicated to Mysterious_Writer.

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