Chp3: Meeting a new family member...

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I woke up to the sunlight hitting on my face. You know it isn't nice waking up to the sun. I checked the time and according to me it was quite early so I decided to go back to sleep. After an hour of tossing and turning in bed I finally decided to get out of bed.

I took a quick shower and dressed in a comfortable outfit. A pair of trousers and a simple cream coloured shirt. I stepped out of my room and headed straight to the living room. I wondered why no one got me out of bed, what happened to the family breakfast? We used to have breakfast together quite early in the morning, it was a strict rule but I guess time changes everything.

There was no one in there. The kitchen had an arch partition that looked into the parlour. Peeking from the arch I saw someone in there cooking something. It was a female figure dressed in a red coloured knee length dress and her light brown hair was tied in a bun. First of all I thought it might be the maid but taking in her appearance; I don't think so anymore.

I pulled one of the bar tools out, well it made noise. She turned around, caught a glimpse of me and then turned her attention back to the pancakes she was making. I sat down on the bar tool and wondered if I should talk or not. "So you are Ella, am I right?" She asked. Well that at least brought an end to the awkward silence. "Hmmm.. Yeah. I am sorry but do I know you?" I asked. "Well, no but you might have heard about me from your brother since I am his wife" she replied.

"Oh so you are Rose. I've heard about you shopping yesterday" I replied. "Yes, I was. I am really sorry for yesterday, I've should have showed up earlier to meet you but I was busy with something" she answered. She placed the pancakes on a plate and poured some syrup on them. She then placed them in front of me. "For me?" I questioned. "I was making them for Sebastian but seeing that he still isn't awake so why don't you have them" she answered.

The pancakes smelled good so I decided to eat them, I wouldn't have since it was Sebastian's breakfast. I can't forget what he did to me last time when I ate his breakfast, he didn't talk to me for a whole week and made me apologise. I remember telling him that I would never say sorry but he made me feel so guilty that I gave up. But right now I was really hungry, I had skipped last night's dinner seeing that he might let me off the hook.

Rose placed a glass of orange juice on the table with a little box. "This is a little present from me and Sebastian to show that we welcome you back home and to congratulate you since you graduated" she said. "Thank you. Is this the something you were busy with?" I asked. I took a little bite of the pancakes they tasted delicious. "Your welcome. Yes I was busy with the present because I was not sure about what you would like. I had asked Joe to come with me since he knows you better than anyone else but he was supposed to receive you at the airport.... Well open it" she replied.

I pulled the wooden box towards myself, I could feel the carving on it. It had flowers and butterflies carved on the top. I opened it and inside it was a beautiful necklace with a heart shaped sapphire and in the blue sapphire was my name engraved with diamonds. There was a note with it which said 'congratulations' in the font of a fountain pen. "It is beautiful, thank you" I said feeling grateful. Nobody in my family had ever given me a gift since I left home, not even on my birthday except for Joe. He always did little things that made me happy. The rest just forgot me. Rose was sitting on a bar tool across from me. "I am glad you are happy and pleased with the gift" she said.

Sebastian joined us after some time and asked me if I had liked the gift. Wasn't the answer quite obvious? By the time he was down stairs for breakfast Rose had already prepared his breakfast. Good for me and him.

I was wondering where the rest of the family was, when my train of thoughts was cut of by a question from Sebastian.

"Hey, I am going to play golf today. Would you like to come?"


"You should go since there isn't anything you could possibly do at home since everyone's out busy with shootings and stuff. But that's unless you've plans..." Rose advised.

"I don't have plans but I don't exactly remember how to play golf. The last time I played was about when I was 16, I guess. It seems ages since then."

"You'll get a hang of it as you've played it before and as far as I remember you were pretty good. You even loved the sport, I wonder why did you stop?" Sebastian queried.

"I'll come. Rose will you join us?"

"I wish I could but apparently my job awaits."

"Oh.. Do you work in the industry as well?" She didn't look like an actress, she looked quite natural. Or should I say she didn't look like my mum with a cupcake face. Don't mistake me for thinking that people in movies are cupcake faces but if Rose was an actress she would have probably been influenced by my mum to turn herself in to a cupcake. Trust my mum to do that for sure.... But I was still curious to know that was my assumption of her not being an actress wrong or right?

"I don't. I am a grief counsellor." I let out a sigh of relief. Someone in the house had something in common with me other than Joe. I mean everyone in the family had the same occupation as if it was obliged on you to be working in the same field or as it was some kind of ritual. Rose and Sebastian were giving me questioning looks as to ask for the reason for the sigh. So I composed myself and answered them.

"I am glad to have someone in the house on the same page as me. I could easily get lost in this unknown world." When I used to live here as a kid not all of my brothers were involved in acting except Sebastian as he was the oldest, so it would've been easy to communicate with each other back then. But now I felt some sort of awkwardness talking to everyone except Joe.

"Even I felt the same for the first few weeks but apparently Sebastian helped me and I'll help you."

"It's weird how you need time to adjust in your own house....I mean you were away for so long. It is good to have you back. Well, I going to get ready so it's better by then you're ready as well." Sebastian stood up from his bar tool and kissed my forehead.

"Now hurry would you." Sebastian said as I was still eating my breakfast. He went up to Rose pecked her on her lips and left to get ready. I turned my gaze down to give them some privacy even though he was downright kissing her in front of me. Seems like people just tend to forget about PDA rules but who was I kidding this was home.

Rose was blushing like a red rose she even apologised but I shook it off. "Have fun at the golf club. Bye." She bid me a goodbye. I hope I had fun at the golf club.


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