Chp4: Captivated...

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Sebastian was driving the golf boogie to the spot which was his favourite part of the golf course. He said that the spot had a nice view of the lake. The boogie halted to a stop and I got to admire the beautiful view of the lake. The environment looked quite peaceful and quiet.

He started unloading the boogie, he dropped the stick and I was like "Sebastian you dropped the stick."

He started laughing and I was surprised to see him clutching his stomach he tried to get some words out but was unable to do so. "Ella that's called a club not a stick." So that's what he was laughing at, now that's just stupid who laughs like a maniac for a minor mistake like that. I used to play golf before but was never bothered to learn the names of the equipments.

I ignored Sebastian carried the bag with snacks in it. And of course Sebastian was like we'll order snacks there but me being me was like "I prefer being served instantly when I am hungry."

Sebastian was showing me different types of golf clubs with weird names like Cleek and Iron, well that's all I grasped from the names he was saying. There was one which had a base similar to that of a spatula which I remember playing with before. It was called the something iron, I was too lost with the shapes to remember the names.

"And that's how you ace. Why don't you try?"

"OK." I used the club which looked like spatula since it was familiar.

When I hit the ball it ended up falling in the lake. Sebastian used some weird term for the shot which I hoped was a good one. We had many rounds of shots till I felt my stomach growling, so I decided to eat my snack while I sat by the lake. Sebastian said we were going for lunch so I better not spoil my lunch but I just couldn't ignore my tummy so I ignored him. I hoped he didn't see me eat my snacks.

As I was about to approach the lake some woman came and started talking to Sebastian. It seemed rude to leave so I waited till they noticed me.

"Oh sorry, this is my sister Ella and Ella this is Melinda my co- star."

"It's nice meeting you. I've heard a lot about you from Joe and the news." She shook my hand quite firmly.

"It's nice meeting you too..." I replied.

"Sebastian, do you mind playing with me for awhile?" She said that in quite a flitarious voice.

"Ella, do you mind?"

"No, of course not. I'll just sit by the lake and you can carry on with your game." I felt relieved as I could now eat my food and enjoy the beauty around me.


I was done with my food but I didn't want to go home. I could sit here forever and admire the beauty surrounding me. I saw a figure running towards me, At first I thought it was Sebastian but the figure was quite scrawny to be Sebastian. I saw a golf ball next to me. So it was probably someone who hit their golf ball quite far. As the person neared I noticed the person having the same colour of eyes as the colour of the lake, pale blue but a hint of brightness in them. They were so captivating.......

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