Chp17: The view from my blue eyes...

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How I wish I hadn't obeyed Joe, if I had done that I wouldn't have been sitting in front of a vanity table with my brothers trying to change me temporarily.

"Nah, that wig has a colour quite similar to Ella's natural hair." This was the tenth time Steve criticised Joe's choice. Yeah, I was counting.

"You're so observant. Why don't to try disguising her?" Joe huffed in annoyance.

"Aah, you gave up too early." Steve walked towards the walk in robe where there was a closet with sliding doors filled with wigs. Not to mention the wig were placed on mannequins.

"I couldn't handle your tactics." Joe joked.

"So I've been told." I peeked at the edge of the mirror and looked at Steve busily looking at wigs and trying to picture them on the screen placed on the side of the wardrobe where you could easily edit and change my picture. As Steve rummaged through the wigs, I looked around the spacious room I was sitting in.

It many clothes stands and many closet with sliding doors I wonder what was in them. I turned around in my seat and noticed Joe bend in front of seat just like my one but it had drawers. I walked over to him and noticed that it was a drawer filled with contact lenses of different colours and my mouth was left agape.

"Joe, does mum really need these many items to disguise herself? Isn't it waste of money, when you can simply throw on a big hat with some dark sunglasses."

"Well, she needed this room but now she doesn't cause now she simply wants people to notice her as she isn't the latest gossip anymore. But she wants the glamour back." He commented, mum's life was aimless.

"Then who uses this room? It looks clean and tidy as if it is in use." I questioned. Rose could use it since she was a wife of a celebrity but I doubt that people would want to know what she ate for breakfast.

"We do." That shocked me since this room was filled with things that a female would use and an image of Steve and Joe popped in my head so I erupted in laughter.

As I gained my composure I noticed a questioning look on Joe face. "Seriously, you dress in those?" I pointed towards a clothes stand filled with gowns and what not.

"As much as I want to make you laugh but the truth has to be uncovered." Joe stood up and slid one of the wardrobe doors open. It was a different room filled with items for males, my jaw hung low on the sight of such lavish ways of life, in other words waste of money.

"I'll close this to stop your eyes from bulging any further." I straightened my self as Joe slid the door.

"So, have you ever disguised your self as a lady?" That's the first thing that came in my head as soon as my brain started to function after the shock I received.

Joe looked at me with an amused look, I mean who wouldn't dress up as the opposite gender to avoid paparazzi's with such usable facilities.

"No I haven't but how did that idea come to your head." Joe smirked.

Before I could answer Steve made an appearance. "Actually I have" my eyes glinted at his answer.

"Yes, I have. Back in the days when the people were keen on knowing my every move I had often taken the role of a women to avoid the public eyes."

"I am sorry." I apologised for reminding him of his past.

"It's okay. I am planning on doing it again so you feel comfortable in your new get up." I couldn't believe it, it was so sweet of him doing that for me. I guess he noticed how my hands and legs were shaking earlier.

"Your the best brother I've ever had." I lunged at him and hugged him.

Joe raised his eyebrow in my way. "Even you're the best but you could increase that to a wonderful brother by simply dressing up like a girl."

"No way. I am better off being the best brother." Joe looked baffled at my offer.

"Suit yourself." Steve headed to change more like transform. Joe handed me the blue contact which I just stared at.

"Come on put them on." He urged me as he was trying on a big hat with sunglasses. According to me he was the one in most need of disguise as the premiere of his movie was around the corner but he was adamant on going light on his disguise.

"I can't, it's going to hurt."

"I'll do it." Joe placed hat and sunglasses on the vanity table and opened the cover of the contacts.

"Joe, will the view from these eyes be different?" I asked quite hesitant as he held my eyelids wide open.

"What do you mean?"

"Like will I see everything in blue?" He laughed. I got nervous, what if it was true?

"Why don't you see for yourself? Anyways, it won't be a permanent change." That calmed my nerves.

Once he was done the view I got from blue eyes was hilarious.


This chapter is dedicated to xxfaatimahxx for being my recent follower...

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