Chp16: Disguise...

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I was pliable by mum words and was left speculating for hours on the couch in the living room, till I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around instantly and in the process I snapped and marred my neck.

"What is it?" I asked unaware of the person standing in front of me. I held on to my neck to diminish the pain.

"Ella, settle down. There's no need to convinced, I know how it feels being stressed about this whole thing." Only if he knew how mum had left me anxious. He picked a litchi from the fruit basket placed on the coffee table.

"You do?" I questioned Joe. He had showered as I perceived his wet hair. He was dressed up in a pair of trousers and t-shirt.

"Yes and that's why I am going to take you with me to hang out." He was now leaning against a pillar in the corridor as he had stepped out while talking to me.

"Don't you think the media would recognise us?"

"No, they won't. But that's something we'll have to prepare for?" He sounded assertive.

"What do you mean?"

"Why don't you follow me?" I stepped out of the living room, inquisitive about the matter. We stepped up the staircase.

"Have ever heard about the word disguise?" I now stood in front of a closed door with a incredulous look on my face in response to the imbecile question my brother just asked.

"Of course I have. What do you think of me?"

"Sure you have but as soon as you step on the other side of this door, the definition of the word disguise will change for you." That reply came from Steve who stood a few steps behind us. Joe smirked in his way.

"Care to join us?" Joe invited.

"Sure, why not?"

"Open this door already." I looked at them agitated.

The other side of the door did change the definition of the word disguise for me, the instance I stepped over the threshold.


Hey there,

I know this chapter is short but bear with me.

This chapter is dedicated to SamanthaVAvila for being a fabulous reader...

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