First day of school part 1

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Adam and Evan got to their class and sat together after a few seconds Jeff walked in the class.
"What is he doing here isn't he a 11th grader?!" Adam whispered to Evan.
"H-he failed the class s-so he has t-to take it again" whispered Evan trying to not be heard by Jeff. Jeff then sat behind the boys. "Hey Evan how's that wedgie?" Whispered Jeff "Leave him alone" whispered Adam "This is none of your business nerd" whispered Jeff.
Before Adam could talk back the teacher walked in the room and began to talk "good morning class and welcome to your first day of school this is your history class and I'm your teacher Mrs. Hill. I'm glad I'm seeing a lot of new faces here and some old ones... is anyone new to this school?" Said Mrs. Hill
"I-I am" said Adam while raising his hand. "Great stand up and tell the class about yourself" Said Mrs. Hill.
Adam stood up and talked "W-well my name is Adam Allen i-I'm 10 a-and I like playing v-video games" said Adam blushing. "Ok you can sit down now" said Mrs. Hill.
"Well I want you to open your books at page 8 and read until page 15 then I want you to pick tus worksheet and complete it before class ends" said Mrs. Hill before putting the worksheets on her desk so anyone could grabe it.
Everyone took their books out and started reading now Adam Is a pretty smart boy he was offered to skip grades in school but he said he didn't want to rush school but in reality he didn't want to get bullied by even more older kids.
Adam was the first one to finish reading so he stood up and went to grab the worksheet and started working after 2 minutes Evan finished reading too so he stood up and went to grab the worksheet as he was walking someone put their foot in front of Evan making him fall, everyone started laughing as Evan rushed to get the worksheet and rush back to his seat.
"Are you okay?" Adam said while looking at him
"Y-yeah I'm fine" said Evan while brushing his arm since it was a hard fall.
"Why did he do that?" Said Adam while looking at the kid that made Evan fall laughing.
"I-I've been asking myself t-the same thing, I-I guess they d-don't like me" said Evan letting a nervous laugh out.
After 15 minutes Adam was almost done with the worksheet but was interrupted by Jeff "Hey you better give me the answers" Jeff whispered "I'm not giving you the answers" Adam whispered back "Well..." said James before pulling on James light blue undies and hocking them to his chair "OOOWWWEEEEE-" Adam let out a low squeak.
Everyone was looking and laughing at him "what about know?" Said Jeff in a mocking voice "Fine! Fine I'll give you the answers but unhook my undies" said Adam in a low voice "Mmmh... I think I'll leave them there until you give the answers and I'm done with the worksheet just to make sure" said Jeff "What?! No! P-please unhook my underwear!" Adam said in a low voice. "Well... you better hurry up" said Jeff laughing a little bit.
Adam then finished the worksheet trying to infinite the pain from his chair wedgie and gave them to it to Jeff "There c-can you now unhook my underwear?" Said Adam "you'll have to wait until I'm done" said Jeff starting to copy the answers "Just hurry up please" said "Don't tell me what to do" said Jeff pulling Adam's underwear making it go deeper into his but "OWWEEEE sorry I'm sorry" Said Adam trying not to attract a lot of attention. Jeff let go and started to copy the answers after a few minutes that felt like hours to Adam, Jeff finished copying the answer and gave the sheet back to Adam "can you now unhook my wedgie?" Said Adam "Nah... you'll have to keep it until the end of class" Jeff said "W-what? You said if I gave you the answers you would unhook it!" Whispered Adam "I know what I said but I changed my mind know turn around and don't bother me if you don't want your underwear over your head!" Said Jeff.
Adam had no choice he turned around and hoped class end soon. After a while that Adam felt it was forte we the bell rang "Make sure before you leave to leave your worksheet in my desk have a great day" said Mrs. Hill
Jeff unhooked Adam's underwear not before giving it one last pull and letting it slap to his back "OWW-" squeaked Adam.
Second and third period went smoothly and now it es lunch time.
As Adam was walking to the cafeteria he was grabbed by the shirt and push against a locker "Hello Adam" said Jeff with a smiley "H-hi Jeff what's up?" Said Adam nervously "You better give me your lunch money before I rip off those undies" said Jeff "O-ok fine here" Adam said before looking through his pockets and giving Jeff his lunch money "that's better". Said Jeff before letting Adam go.
Adam already was expecting to get his lunch money taken away from him so he always carry extra money with him in case this happens.
After eating Adam went to the bathroom just to find Evan hanging by just his underwear.
"Evan?" Said Adam "h-hi Adam" said Evan blushing "do you need help" asked Adam "Yes p-please" As Adam was trying to help his friend down he heard the bathroom door opened "What the hell do you think you are doing?!" A boy shouted to Adam, Adam turned around and saw 2 tall boys "Uh... I-I-" said Adam before being interrupted "Who told you that you could put him down?!" the other boy shouted "I-I-I'm s-sorry" said Adam "I think we might have to teach you a lesson" the other boy said smirking.
The boys grabbed Adam and turned him around and on one pull his undies were pulled over his mid back "OWWWEEEE-" Adam smirked "he's wearing baby briefs!" One of the boys shouted Adam then was pulled over the floor and being bounced repeated times "Please... stop.... let.... me... go..." Adam begged after every bounce "Do you think we can make it atomic?" One of the boys said "Why not to try?" the other said Adam then was brought to the ground and one of the boys put his foot on his shoulder and the other one grabbed his legs "!" One of the boy shouted.
Adam was in severe pain his underwear was deeper and deeper up his butt as the boys pulled harder after a few more pulls his underwear was pulled over his head and attached to his forehead. The boys then pantsed him and started laughing, Adam was red from embarrassment.
"I think he needs a swirly" one of the boys said "Yeah let's do it!" The other boy answered "No-No Please don-" Adam tried to beg before his head was then put in the toilet bowl and flushed this was repeated around 10 times before the boys stripped Adam down to only his light blue briefs and his Pokémon themed socks.
Then Adam was hanged by his undies next to Evan
"OWWWEEEEEE..." Adams screamed as he was hanged by his undies "Hope you like it here boys you are going to stay here for a while" the boys said before leaving the bathroom laughing.
The bell rang and the boys where still hanging in the bathroom "Oh no... I'm gonna lose my next class..." Adam said while kicking his legs trying to get down "we would have to wait until someone comes in and tries to help us" Evan said.

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