Old problems come back

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As the week went by Amy helped Adam to
Heal his purple eye Adam also told Amy about all
His bully stories and he had to taught her what noogies, wet willies, swirlies and even all the types of wedgies.
Amy asked Adam with all the wedgies he was getting if he was running low on undies and se was right Adam had barely 4 undies left since the rest of them got ripped from wedgies. Amy offered Adam to buy him new undies since it would be hard to explain to his parents where all his undies went.
Amy and Adam went to the mall and bought around 20 undies before so he doesn't runs low in a long time.
At Sunday Adam's parents came back home from Christmas and New Year Adam had to get back to school.
Adam was walking with Evan to his locker when Jeff put him in a headlock and started to give him a noogie "Happy new year loser" Jeff said while rubbing his knuckles on Adam's head "Ouch... Jeff stop let go" Adam said while trying to break free Jeff then gave Adam a wet willie "that's gross" Adam said still trying to let go "You know what will be good to start this new year with a swirly" Jeff said while he pushed Adam to the bathroom "what? No Jeff please the day hasn't even started please don't" Adam said trying to run.
Jeff pushed Adam to the bathroom and opened one of the bathroom stall "breath in loser" Jeff said "please Jeff don't-" Adam was interrupted when his head was put in the toilet bowl and flushed. Jeff repeated this about 5 times before letting Adam go "happy new year loser" Jeff said before he left laughing.
Adam was soaked in toilet water so he sat under the hand drier until he dried and went to his first class of the day.
The day was going fine for Adam until it was time for his P.E class luckily Luke was in his class so he wasn't alone against the bullies,  Adam and Luke tried to get to the locker rooms early so they can change clothes without being bothered and they almost got away with it but they were stop at the door by Tom and Chris "what do we have here?" Said Tom while blocking the exit "U-uh H-hi Tom w-what are you doing here" Luke said "Me and Chris came to Change for our basketball practice but I guess a little bit of warm up would be nice"
Tom and Chris proceeded to grabbed the boys and turned them around "Double wedgie!" Both boys screamed before pulling on both boys underwear, revealing Adam's tighty whities with his names printed on the back and Luke's bright red undies "I can't believe you guys still wear briefs what are you five?!" Tom asked while pulling on Adam's tighty whities boys bullied started to bounce the boys over and over. "Let's hang them by in the lockers" Chris said "good idea" Tom replied "No! Please don't I already got a swirly from Jeff this morning" Adam begged "yeah and you already gave a massive wedgie at lunch time" Luke begged "Awww... if someone gave a damn what you guys said" Chris said.
Tom and Chris took both boys clothes and thrown them at the top of the lockers out of their reach. "My pinky toe is bigger that their whole package" said Chris while laughing at the boys with only their undies onez
Then they hooked both boys underwear inside a locker and closed them "owwwe please let us go we are going to be late to class" Luke begged "well you better hope someone come here and help you out" Tom said closing the lockers and leaving while high fiving Chris.
The bell rang and all the the kids got into the locker room and saw Adam and Luke stuck in the lockers and started to laugh to them both boys were red from embarrassment. After all boys got changed they left the locker room with boy boys still hanging in the lockers after what it feel forever both boys underwear ripped and they were stuck make inside the lockers "hey does Evan know you are here" Adam asked "No, but he'll figure it out sooner or later" after an hour they heard the door open "A-Adam... Luke are you here?" They heard Evan say "Yes we are here!" Luke said "can you help us out?" Adam said Evan walked to the lockers "Who put you in there?" Evan asked "Tom and Chris" Adam answered "What are the numbers of your lockers?" Evan asked "mine is 2340" Adam said "Mine is 3120" Luke said after.
Evan then opened Adam's locker first and Luke's next both boys were covering their privates "where did they put your clothes?" Evan said "On top of the lockers" Adam said "I can't reach there how are we supposed to get them" Evan said "what if you use one of the benches " Luke said "Good idea" Evan answered Evan moved one of the begged next to the lockers and stood up to try to get their clothes "I'm almost there can you guys give me a hand?" Evan said "We are naked!" Adam replied "it's not like this is the first time, we have seen each other naked" Evan said still trying to get the clothes "fine, Luke let's lift him up" Adam said.
Then Luke and Adam grabbed Evan by the legs and lifted him up "got em" Evan said.
They let Evan down and he have them their clothes "Thanks Evan" Luke said "No problem, you better hurry last period is about to start" Evan said.
Adam and Luke put their clothes on and went to their last class, after the bell rang the boys met after school and they started to walk together.
"Hey Adam me and Evan are going to my house and then to the mall would you like to come?" Luke said
"Um... I have to ask my mom" Adam said "okay we can go to your house so you can ask her" Evan said.
The boys then headed to Adam's house "okay you guys can come in if you want while I ask my mom" Adam said "sure" both boys replied Adam put the code for the door and they all went it "Mom! I'm home" Adam said "Hi honey" said his mom while walking out of the kitchen "Oh you didn't tell me you were bringing friends, Hi boys" said Adam's mom while smiling to them "Hi miss Allen I'm Evan" Evan said. "And I'm Luke" Luke added.
"Well it's nice to meet you guys, would you like something to eat" miss Allen said "Um... actually mom actually I was here to ask you if I could go to Luke's house" Adam said "Well sure just make sure to come home by 7" miss Allen said "Thanks mom!" Adam said "no problem sweetie" she answered.
The boys left and went to Luke's home after getting there they went to room.
"I like your room" Adam said "thanks" Luke replied "so when are we going to the mall" Evan said laying on Luke's bed "we can go now" Luke said "sure let's go" Evan said getting up.
The boys then headed to the mall near it wasn't big but it still was a good place to hang out. When they got there they started walking and going into some stores then they si fed to go to the food court and eat  something. "So what do you guys want to eat" Evan said "umm.. what if we eat some pizza" Luke said "what do you think Adam" Evan asked "umm maybe..." Adam said before seeing firm the corner of his eye some boys throwing small bits food at each other he turned his head to see and realized in fear who they were it was Liam, Liam was Adam's bully at his old school Adam was really scared of him he used to bully him in a daily basis in all types of way.
"Adam? You ok?" Luke said, Adam was lost remembering all the ways Liam used to bully him and how many times he humiliated him. "Adam?!" Evan said asking his shoulder. "W-w-we n-n-need to get out here" Adam said still looking at boys playing on their table "why ?what? are you looking at" Luke asked "That's Liam h-he used to bully at my old school" Adam said pointing at the boys.
While pointing at them Liam looked to him and they exchanged eye contact for a second Liam then realized it was him and started to talk to his friends.
Adam was terrified "g-guys we need to go now" Adam said standing up "what? Why" Evan said "He saw me he knows we are here if we don't get out-"'Adam tried to explain before he heard a familiar voice behind them "Out of all places in the world i wouldn't explain little Adam to be here" Adam turned around and saw Liam wanting with tow friends "H-h-hi Liam l-long time n-no see" Adam stuttered in fear "I see little Adam is still scared of me" Liam said "He's not scared of you" Luke said "Awww... little Adam finally made some friends I thought it would never happen" Liam said "I wonder if little Adam still wears baby briefs" Liam said before Adam could answer Lima turned him around and gave him a wedgie. "EEEKKK" Adam squeaked "He does still wears baby briefs" Lima said while pulling harder.
"Hey let him go" Luke said.
"You guys know what? We should teach little Adam's friend why he changed schools" Liam said
Liam and his friends then grabbed the boys and dragged them to the bathroom.
To be continue....

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