The bet

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"Dude i don't believe"
"Dude I promise you I did it"
"There is no way you gave a kid an atomic wedgie no one's underwear is stretchy enough to go to their head before ripping"
Jeff was arguing with one of his new friends he made it was a year older than Jeff so he thought he was just lying trying to impress him.
"I promise you I did it"
"Nope not buying it"
"How about a bet make it 20$ if I can give someone an atomic wedgie in front of you I win if their underwear rips you win"
"Alright sure" Said the kid thinking this was going to be the easiest twenty bucks of his life.
"Just saying no one's underwear in that stretchy you know" The kid said as a type of final warning
"Don't worry I know hay the kid let's go" said Jeff

Adam was kneeled down taking stuff out of his locker for his next class, he was immersed in his own thoughts but was brought when he looked to his right and saw Jeff and another kid walking straight to him.
"Shit" he said under his breath. He knew if he ran he would get chased and beaten up so he put all the stuff he needed is his bag and started speed walking to try and scape them.

Jeff quickly noticed this so he stated jogging towards Adam until he caught up to him. Adam knew he was done so he just turned around to face Jeff.
"Hey Jeff how are you doing?" Said Adam nervously
"Adam this is Matt" Jeff said looking at the other kid. "Matt this is Adam" said Jeff looking back at Adam.

"Why so nervous? Today is your lucky day my friends let's go" said Jeff putting his arm around Adam and forcing him to walk with him towards the nearest bathroom. Adam had to think of something quick but he was actually panicking so he did the first thing that came to his mind.
"Jake Jake Help!" Adam started screaming but was quickly silenced by Jeff hand.
"You better shut up or I'm also beating your ass little shit" Jeff warned.

They got to the bathroom and Adam was pushed to the ground.
"Please dude you don't have to do this I have a project presentation right now can't we do this later?" Adam begged.
"Shut it I have a bet to win" Jeff said looking at Matt
"Alright dude go for it I'm waiting"
"What is he talking about?" Adam asked
"Well we might or not have bet that we could give you an atomic wedgie before your underwear ripped" matt answered
"That's right and I'm here to prove him it's possible so turn around nerd" Jeff demanded.
Adam knew that if he fought or resisted it would just make things worse so he did as he was told.
He closed his eyes and bit his lip knowing what was coming.

He felt Jeff cold hands lift the back of his shirt and grab the blue waistband of his briefs before a shooting pain and burning sensation came right in between his buttcheeks.

With only one pull his undies were already up his middle back and Adam was already on his tip toes with his hands on his crotch trying to ease the pain from the pressure the wedgie was putting in his privates.

With every pull Adam let out a few groans of pain.
"Owowowo.... Please stopppp" Adam begged almost sounding like he was about to cry.

After a few more pulled Adam's undies were at the back of his neck so Jeff grabbed his head and forced it back.
With a few really strong pulls Jeff managed to hook Adam's undies in his forehead.
"Done!" Jeff said in excitement as he backed up to admire his work.
Adams undies were hooked to his forehead with his back arched and head back he had both of his hands in his crotch and his eyes were starting to tear up from the pain.
"Dude I can't believe it I didn't think it was possible" Matt said high giving Jeff
"Nothing that some stretchy undies and a small loser can't do right adam?" Jeff said.
Adam was in so much pain to even hear the question.
"Just one final touch" Matt said pantsing Adam exposing the string that was coming out of his pale buttcheeks.
They both laughed at the boy as they left the bathroom.
Adam tried to get the atomic off but it was so tight that it felt like it was glued there.
He also couldn't put his pants back on since that meant that he had to kneel down and by doing so his undies would go even deeper that they already were.
So he just stood there in an atomic wedgie with his cheeks fully exposed.
Luckily a few minutes later Jake came into the bathroom one of his friends heard Adam's call and told Jake about it.
He helped Adam remove his atomic wedgie and helped Adam to stop crying from the pain.

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