fun facts of my life

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Hello just need to get these thoughts off my mind it's been on it for a while.

I had to start wearing contacts since the age of 12 since my glasses would be broken/stolen every week

Kids would put rotten food and other substances in my backpack so i had to switch them almost daily

Once a kid pushed me down a flight of stairs caused me to break one of my arms I insisted that i slipped too

One time one kid thought it would be funny to use a stapler on me and stapled my left arm 3 times he only got suspended for two days

I've been tripped over and pushed to the ground more times that i can remember

every other week i would either get home with a new bruise or a purple eye

people would constantly just go into my backpack take whatever assignment they needed and didn't even care about returning it

I'd have to miss school some days because i had so many bruises and injuries moving at all hurt like hell

I was tied to a tree behind my school half naked and i was reported missing for a couple hours

Hope you guys enjoyed

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