Amy the babysitter

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———————————————————————————HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! HOPE YOU HAVE AN AMAZING 2021!!!!
Adam woke up to the sound of his door being knocked by his mom "Adam honey are you awake?" Adam's mom said after knocking the door.
Adam yawned "yes mom I'm awake...." he said while brushing his eyes "Dad and I are leaving for our business trip will be back on Sunday"
"Okay" Adam answered "Breakfast is ready and the babysitter is coming later today" She said.
Adam hated that his parent would always hire a babysitter for him he wasn't a baby anymore but in reality he couldn't take care of himself.
"Ok mom love you" Adam said. "Love you too honey" His mon answered before going downstairs.
Adam didn't want his parents to see his purple eye so he waited in his room until they were gone.
He then went down to have breakfast his mom had made him some French toasts some pancakes with a cutted apple and some orange juice after having breakfast he went to his room turned on his Nintendo switch and played some Mario maker after a while he heard the doorbell, he went to the doorbell camera in the kitchen and saw Amy a tall girl with long dark hair and brown eyes Adam picked the phone connected to the speaker "A-Amy?" Adam said shyly "Hi Adam your mom send me to take care of you" she said while smiling at the camera "O-okay I'll open the door" Adam said. Adam then remembered about his purple eye so he grabbed a hat he had and he put it on tying to hide his eye from Amy.
"Hi Adam I'm glad seeing you again" Amy said while closing the door "Hi Amy" said Adam looking to the ground trying to avoid eye contact
"How is the new school going? Your mom told me all about it and I'm glad those bullies are no longer bothering" said Amy while going to the kitchen "Its going okay" said Adam while going to the living room next to the kitchen.
"Are you hungry? I can make you some chicken Nuggets" said Amy while looking for the ingredients "Yeah I'd like that, thank you" answered Adam "No problem kiddo" Said Amy while she started to cook, Adam then went upstair and started to read his favorite Harry Potter book. Adam likes reading but he never brought his books to school since meaner kids would steal them from him and also break them.
After about 30 minutes Amy went upstairs and knocked on Adam's door "Adam the food" said Amy "O-okay I'm coming" Adam answered. Adam then out his hat on and went downstairs and sat on the table Amy then came and gave him his plate with some chicken Nuggets with a glass of apple juice she sat in front of Adam with a salad she made for herself "offf that new kitchen was a little messy but nothing can beat old Amy, am i right?" Adam chuckled a little "Yeah... I guess" he answered.
"Hey are you okay you barely are anything?" Amy asked when she was done with her salad "I'm not hungry" Adam answered "and what's with that hat? I really like it but I can barely saw your adorable face" Amy said while taking the hat off Adam's head gently seeing his black eye.
Amy gasped "Adam what is that? Who did you that?"
Adam turned red from embarrassment "S-some kids from school..." "Does your parents know about this?" Said Amy while touching his eye "ouch... it hurts..." Adam whined "No... m-my parents don't know about this" "Well they should they can't be bullying you again Adam" Amy said "'NO! Please don't tell them I actually have friends here" Adam begged "Then what are we going to do about this?" Amy said while switching sits next to Adam "I-I don't know b-but please don't tell my parents about this" Adam begged "okay I won't tell your parents about this but we better get this fixed before they come back and they find out by themself" Amy went to the kitchen and took out a bag of ice "here out this in your eye" Amy gave the bag to Adam and he hold it on his eye "how long has this been going for?" Amy asked "W-well since the first day of school..." Adam said "the first day of school?... those brutes have been bothering you since the first day of school?" Amy said shocked "Yeah...." Adam answered "And was this the first time they assaulted you?" Adam asked "Y-Yeah they don't usually hit me this bad" Adam said "I don't get why would someone ever want to hurt such a sweet kid like you" Amy said. "I guess they don't like me because I'm a nerd..." Adam said "you are not a nerd Adam don't say that" Amy answered "That's what they always call me nerd loser dumb and I think they are right" Adam said while his eyes were getting watery "Hey don't cry you will always by the the coolest kid I met" Amy said whipping Adam's tear and hugging him "thank you Amy" said Adam hugging her back "You know what will make you feel better? Going to the park I found one just around the corner and I saw some amazing swings you can play with what do you say? "I guess that would work" said Adam getting excited "Great go up change clothes and I'll be waiting down here deal?" Amy said "Deal" Adam said before running upstairs.
Adam got a quick shower and put on some space themed undies a black pair of cargo shorts and a white Mario themed shirt with some blue socks and grey shoes.
Adam rushed downstairs  "I'm ready!" He said to Amy "you look so cute! Alright let's get going" Adam blushed a little before going out with Amy and holding her hand while walking.
After walking for a bit Adam and Amy finally arrived to the park Adam rushed to the swing and smarted swinging while Amy watched him from a bench Amy then saw an ice cream shop at the side of the park "Hey Adam would you like some ice cream?" Amy said while walking up to Adam "Yes! I'd love to" "well there is an ice cream shop right there why don't you go and buy you something" Amy said while giving Adam 10 bucks "Okay! Do you want something?" Adam asked "nah I'm good kiddo" Amy said while brushing Adam's hair Adam laughed and started to walk to the ice cream shop when he got there he saw some other kids there and Adam realized too late that it was Jeff along with 2 older kids Adam tried to walk back but it was already to late Jeff dragged him by his shirt neck "Well well well... if it isn't my favorite nerd how's that black eye going huh?" Said Jeff "H-h-hi Jeff w-w-what are you d-doing here?" Adam said terrified "So this is the nerd you been talking us about" said one of the older kids Jeff was with "Oh my bad I almost forgot this is my brother Jake and his friend Paul we were here to play basketball what were YOU doing here?" Jeff said "I-I was here t-to buy some ice cream" Adam said Jeff then lifted Adam by his shirt "well you better give me that money before I pull your undies over your little head" Jeff threatened "O-okay here" Adam said giving his 10 bucks to Jeff "that's what I like to see" said Jeff before letting Adam go "hey Jeff why don't give this nerd a wedgie I've never seen you give someone a wedgie" Jake said "No! Please I already gave you my ice cream money" Adam begged  "shut up loser" Jeff said before turning Adam around and pulling Adam's undies to his mid back "Dude I thought you were lying he actually wears baby underwear" Paul said "ooowwweee... please let gooo.... this hurts" Adam begged Jeff lifted Adam and started to bounce him over and over "hey dude cmon finish already we want to play" Jake said "fine" Jeff said.
Jeff then put Adam down and pull on the sides of his undies and put him in a shoulder wedgie "now get out of here before I regret this and leave you hanging by those dorky undies on the park fence" Jeff said
Adam then ran in his shoulder wedgie making it dig deeper into his butt cheeks.
Adam then went where Amy was airing for hi, Amy gasped in horror after seeing Adam in his predicament "Adam what happened?" Amy asked "some mean kids took my money and gave a wedgie..." Adam said blushing "who?" "I-I uhhh... I don't know" Adam saying hoping Amy believes him "Adam do you know who did this to you?" Said Amy trying to get the shoulder wedgie away since she noticed it was hurting Adam a lot "h-he told me not to say or he'll put my undies over my head..." Adam said blushing "I don't know what does that mean but you have to tell me who did tus to you please... You are safe with me" Amy said kneeling down to look at Adam in the face "H-he's name i-is Jeff" Adam said nervous "Jeff huh?... thank you for telling me... and what is this...?" Said Amy looking at Adam's shoulder wedgie "this is a shoulder wedgie...." Adam said embarrassed "well it seems like it hurts let me help you with that" said Amy taking off Adam's undies off his shoulders "thank you Amy" "No problem kiddo, what if we head home and I make dinner it's getting late" Amy said "yeah let's go home" Adam said.

Adam's new school Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora