A temporary solution

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Adam went to bed thinking about tomorrow, he couldn't fall asleep thinking about what was he going to do now that their parents knew about the bullying situation.
The morning came Adam woke up took a shower put on some super man briefs a pair of blue cargo shorts a Mario shirts some blue socks and black shoes Adam was interrupted by the sound of his door being knocked "Adam honey can we come?" "Yes mom" both of his parents came in the room "hey Adam can you sit for a second" his dad said siting in his bed Adam sitter next to them "Your mom told me about yesterday's" Adam started to get red.
"Me and your mom called the school and we and all the kids that are bothering you are taking with the principal on today okay? We are going to sort this out and those kids are never going to bother you again okay?" "Okay dad" Adam replied and hizo parents hugged him "we love you Adam" his dad said "I love you to" Adam replied. "Okay let's go down to have some breakfast so we can leave ok?" "Ok dad"Adam went down ate breakfast went up to wash his teeth and got into his parents car so they can drive him to school they got there and got down to and started to walk to school and got into the principals office Adam said in fear all his Bullied sitting with their parents "Mom what are they doing here" Adam whispered "they are here to talk and try to solve this situation"
"Now that everyone is here I called you and your kids today to discuss a bullying situation" the principal said. Suddenly all bullies turned to look at Adam with a threatening look Adam looks at the ground knowing that after this he was going to regret it.
"Adam would you mind telling me if you know this kids?" The principal asked Adam "Y-yeah they are Chris Jeff Tom and Allan" "Have any of them been bothering you lately?" "Y-yeah all of them." All kids parents started to look at their kids "Now in this school we do not tolerate any type of abuse toward our students Jeff Tom Allan and Chris I'm going to give you 1 month of suspension, you will be suspended from all extracurricular activities including basketball."
Adam noticed how the bullies were giving him death stares specially Tom and Chris since they were in the basketball team.
"Anything else anyone would like to add?" The principal said
Jeff dad spoke up "Yes, Adam I'm so sorry Jeff been bothering you we did not teach him to be mean to his classmates and believe when I tell you Jeff won't ever bother you again right Jeff?" His dad asked "Yes dad" Jeff said still looking angrily at Adam.
"Now I want you all to apologize at Adam before you leave."
The boys were leaving apologizing to Adam with a dry sorry and Jeff was the last one to apologize.
"Sorry Adam" said Jeff sticking his hand for a handshake. Adam grabbed his hand to shake it and Jeff squeezed as hard as he could "sorry for bothering you Adam"
"T-thank you Jeff" said Adam trying to hide the pain.
Jeff eventually let go and he left.
"Now Adam you can carry on with your day and again I'm so sorry for this incident" the principal said.
"Have a good day honey" his mom said.
"Thanks mom bye I love you" Adam answered as he was leaving.
Adam then walked to his lockers and saw Evan and Luke talking and walked over to them.
"Hey guys" Adam said "hey Adam" "hi Adam" the boys answered "You guys won't guess what happened I told my parents about Jeff Tom and everyone that bullied us and they got a 1 month suspension" Adam said getting excited "So Jeff Tom Chris and Allan got suspended for a month?!" Evan said also getting excited "So are we bully free for a whole month?!" Luke added getting excited too "Well I guess" Adam said. "Dude that's awesome this is great news!" Evan said.
The next month was the best month Adam ever had he had never been so long without his head being flushed on the toiled or without his undies being pulled over his head.
The month went by quickly and Adam didn't realize it Adam went to school like any other day "hey guys what's up?" Adam said walking up to Evan and Luke
"Hey Adam did you know? Jeff and the rest came back from detention today" Evan said worried "You Bette watch out Adam Jeff it's not going to have mercy with you if he finds you"
"Jeff came back today?! I have to get to my class before-" Adam was interrupted by a punch to his stomach from the back Adam was then lifted by his Superman undies and bounce repeatedly Adam squeaked after every bounced he was then dropped to the ground and kicked in the stomach again it was then when Adam heard Jeff's voice "if you ever tell on me again I'll make your life a living hell got it?" Jeff said. Adam was still groaning in pain, Jeff kicked him again in the stomach "Got it?!" "Y-yes Jeff I got it" Adam answered.
Jeff walked off while Evan and Luke helped Adam to get up.
"Dude are you okay?" Evan said "yeah I'm good" said Adam said.
The bell rang and Adam had to go to his first class his day went normally until lunch time. Adam sat in the losers table and started to eat his lunch when Tom a Chris walked up over there with a carton of milk.
While Adam was eating the bullies poured the cart of milk on Adam's head "this is for giving us a month of suspension nerd" Tom said before pulling Adam's short and underwear back Adam este widened in widened in shock as he felts something strange touched his butt. Chris dumped the content of Adam lunch tray into the back of his underwear. Chris let his underwear and shorts snap back everyone in the cafeteria was looking and laughing at Adam making him turn bright red.
Adam could feel smashed potatoes meat gravy vegetables squished into his butt cheeks. Adam then felt his waistband being grabbed and pulled by Tom Adam could feel the mix of food go into his butt crack and around his butt cheeks Tom eventually let go and Adam waddled out of the cafeteria into the boys bathroom he got in a stall and locked the door Adam pulled his underwear and shots tryin this bed to get the food out of his underwear butt crack and shorts when Adam pulled his underwear and shorts back up and he could felt his underwear was wet and still with some food in it he tried to pulled his underwear down again to fix it but the bell rang so he had to get back in class.

Adam's new school Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang