The sleepover

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The ride home was quite peaceful since Jeff was sitting at the front they arrived home and got in the house "Okay guys welcome home I put some snacks and drinks in the kitchen you can take them upstairs if you want the video games are on Adam's room and Luke and Evan here are your bags that your parents gave me" "thank you Mrs Allen" both boys replied. "No problem, Adam's dad will be here later to help me make dinner" the boys went to the kitchen and grabbed snacks and some cans of coke/sprite and they headed upstairs to Adam room they all were impressed of how big his room was, his room had a king size bed a desk with a PS4 and a Nintendo switch with a 50" TV hanging on the wall right above the desk 2 medium sized poufs on the side a bookshelf full of all types of book Adam had read a big window letting a lot of light in the room some led lights on the ceiling that went all round his room some video game themed posters 2 doors that that leaded to Adam's big closet and another door that leaded to a private medium sized bathroom "You live like this and still wear baby briefs?" Jeff said mockingly "haha... very funny Jeff" Adam said sarcastically "Adam your room is huge" "right?! This is a whole apartment I could live here" Luke and Evan said amused "thanks we can watch a movie or play some video games if you guys want"
"Let's play smash bros" Jeff said "alright I have enough controllers for everyone" Adam took the controllers out along with a pro controller "I'm taking the pro" Jeff said "I want the pro" Luke said. Jeff pulled over Adam's shirt and gave him a controla wedgie "do you want the pro?" Jeff said "ow- N-never mind you can have it" Jeff let go and grabbed the pro controller  they turned on the switch and started to play they played around 5 games and which almost every game Jeff won "that's not fair you just spam with snake" Evan complained "Are you mad I'm better than you?" Jeff mocked "I bet you can't win with any other character" Evan said "Alright let's bet" Jeff said "If I win with any other character you have to stay in a shoulder wedgie until dinner"  "and what if I win" Evan said "I'll let you wedgie me" Jeff said "Deal" Evan said.
They started a new match only Evan and Jeff with 5 lives each Evan was playing mewtwo and Jeff was playing fox it was a tight match but Jeff ended up wining "No way!" Evan whined "Ha! I told you I could beat you with any character now pay up and turn around" Evan turned around and Jeff took of his shirt and started pulling by the side of his undies and pulled them over his shoulders and let them snap back Evan put his hair back "so what do you guys want to do now?" Adam said "can we just watch a movie?" Evan said in pain from his shoulder wedgie "Yeah lets watch's horror movie" Jeff said grabbing the TV remote and putting on Netflix "I dont like horror movies" Adam said shyly "me neither" Luke added "Does the little babies wet their pants when watching a horror film?" "I-I like horror movies" Evan said trying to show bravery but Adam and Luke knew he was the easiest to scare out of the three "Fine let's watch a horror movie" Luke said.
Adam and Luke sat down together in one of the poufs and Jeff sat in the other one Evan  tried to sit on the ground  but it made the wedgie dig dipper into his butt cheeks so he just remained standing.
Jeff then put on The Texas Chainsaw Massacre the movie started they were around 30 minutes in Jeff laughing at every jump scream as it was a comedy movie all 3 of the boys were terrified Adam was covering his eyes peeking through his eyes "It's okay babies the scary part it's over" Jeff said the boys went back to watching it when the killer came out of a secret door hitting a teenage girl in the head and hanging her in a hook by her back Adam let out a small scream and covered his eyes again while Jeff started laughing "it's not funny" Adam whined "You guys are a bunch of babies this is not scary at all" Jeff said while eating some Oreos from a bowl he had "I don't like this movie can we watch another thing?" Evan cried "Yeah no one of us like this movie" Luke added "Fine..." Jeff said rolling his eyes as he turned the tv off "there are you babies happy now?"
"Yes, thank you" Adam said getting up "now what? You nerds ruin all the fun stuff" "watching a horro movie it's not "fun stuff"" Adam replied "it is when you are not with babies that cry all over the place" as the boys were speaking they heard a knock on the door "Hey guys dinner is ready we will be waiting for you downstairs" Adam's dad said after peeking his head through the door "Ok dad we are coming" "finally dinner time I'm starving" Jeff said "Didn't you just ate a whole bowl of Oreos?" "So?" "Nothing lets just go"
Evan finally could undid his shoulder wedgie and all boys headed downstairs and had dinner and headed back upstairs.
"Okay now what?" Jeff asked "we could play some board games" Adam said "sure whatever" Jeff answered Adam then went to the desk and kneeled down to open one of the drawers Jeff saw Adam's waistband peak from his shorts and took the opportunity he grabbed the waistband and started pulling on Adam's briefs "EKK- hey stop OW-" Adam whined as Jeff pulled harder on Adam's underwear he was wearing a pair of briefs with orange and blue stripes "Jeff.... ow- please- ow let go" Adam begged as he could feel his privates being crushed and the fabric getting deeper into his butt Jeff eventually let go and Adam picked his wedgie before going back to drawer "I have uno clue monopoly life risk what do you guys want to play?" "Let's play uno" Evan said "Are you guys okay with that?" "Sure" "whatever" the rest of the boys answered they started playing they played for sound 2 hours Adam won a good amount of the games since he got pretty lucky with the cards as the boys were playing they heard a knock on the door "Hey guys here are your sleep bags and some blankets for you to sleep don't stay awake until too  late ok?" "Okay Mr. Allen" "Okay dad thank you" it was around 12 amb and the boys were still playing board games "I'm tired I think I'm going to head to bed" Adam said rubbing his eyes "yeah me too" Evan added "What? It's barely 12 pm" Jeff said "Yeah it's late" Adam said opening his closet taking a blue shirt and a pair of blue pajamas pants and went to his bathroom to get changed all of  the boys changed into their clothes to sleep Evan was wearing a Pac-man themed shirt with some black pajama pants Luke had a gray shirt with some cartoon themed pants Jeff was wearing a white shirt and black shorts Adam then got is his bed but was pushed off by Jeff "Hey why was that for?" "I'm sleeping on the bed" "But there is space for the both of us" "I'm not sleeping with you I'm sleeping by myself" Adam didn't want to bring any problems to himself so he just agreed and grabbed a sleep bag a blanket and set it up next to his bed he then grabbed a bunny like  night light with a light controller from his bookshelf Adam then turned it on put it on dark blue and put it next to him "What the? You use a night light ha!" Jeff said letting a small laugh Adam blushed "I-I have nyctophobia okay? I need it" "What the heck is that?" Jeff said "Yeah what is that?" Luke said from the other side of the room "It means he's scared of the dark" Evan said "Sounds like something a baby would have" Jeff said "I just need it okay?" Adam said. Eventually everyone felt asleep Adam used to sleep hugging a stuff animal but he didn't want his friends and bully to know he had one so he just hugged his pillow for this night.
Adam was woken up but a sharp pain on his butt "Good morning nerd" while Adam was sleeping he turned around and slept on his belly exposing his waistband Jeff put one foot on Adam's back and start pulling on his underwear "OWW- Jeff... stOPP-" Adam tried to beg but was interrupted by Jeff pulling harder on his already stretched undies making it dig dipper between his butt cheeks Jeff then pulled hard enough to hook Adam's underwear to his forehead Jeff then pantsed Adam revealing his pale butt "Nothing like starting the day with an atomic wedgie right Adam?" Jeff said spanking Adam twice "EKK- stop... ow... please" after a lot of struggling Adam took his underwear off his head  picked his wedgies down pulled up his pants he then turned off his night light and put it back on his bookshelf.
They then went down to have the breakfast Adam's mom made it was orange juice with waffles with some toasts with butter and some fried eggs "Good morning guys how did you all sleep?"  "Good" everyone said "fantastic please serve yourself your parents will be here in an hour or two the boys had breakfast and headed upstairs the first one to god was Jeff then Evan then Luke "hope you guys have had fun" Adam's mom said "thanks mom" Adam missed her in the cheek and headed upstairs to read a book.

Hi guys sorry for the delay on the stories I just had a lot of homework from school ): anyways I was wondering if you guys would like if I start writing another stories I've had some ideas for another story and I was wondering if you guys would like that leave a comment or vote this part if you'd like me to start writing another story :)

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