The camping trip part 2

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Adam was in a lot of pain his underwear was so into his butt cheeks he could almost taste the cotton after getting up he picked the rest of his underwear out of his butt.
He didn't want his parents to see the ripped pair so he walked to a trash bin and threw it away.
Adam started to walk back to were his parents were while rubbing his butt trying to ease the pain. He wanted a fresh pair of underwear.
Adam got to the camping place and was surprised when he saw Jake there sitting on his phone.
"Jake you are here!" Adam said happy that at least Jake could defend him of the bullies "Hey Adam I just got here and noticed Jeff was also here, has he don't something to you yet?" Jake asked
"Yeah he already ripped a pair in here for a fresh pair" Adam said going to his bag and Jake following him.
"How long have you been here with him?" "Around 30 minutes" "Jeez I better stay close to you I don't want you to have to use my underwear" Jake said letting out a small laugh "It's not funny" Adam said slightly annoyed "anyways.... what if we go to play some soccer, I saw a soccer fiel" Jake said "You know I suck at sports" Adam said "Cmon it will be fun plus you won't have to deal with Jeff or his brother" Jake said. "Fine... let's go play" Adam said, he wasn't excited about the idea but he didn't want to take a change of ripping 2 pair of underwear on 1 day Adam went to a private place to change his underwear first he put on a pair of light blue sponge Bob briefs and followed Jake to the soccer field.
The filed wasn't that big it was meant to be for kids but it was enough for Jake and Adam to kick the ball around they played for a while until the boys got hungry they went back to their camping place and found Luke and Evan sitting together talking.
"Luke, Evan you guys are finally here" Adam said "Hey Adam hey Jake" Luke said standing up.
The boys already have met Jake before they'd sometimes go to the park or to Adam's house to hangout.
All boys did for the rest of the day was hang out Adam was getting pretty tire so he decided to go to sleep early he went to his tent and got changed to a Superman shirt and pants with spaceships all over them and went to bed.
Adam woke up and his parents weren't in the tent he assumed they prob were making breakfast or just taking with the other adults.
Adam had to go to the bathroom so he got out of the tent and headed to the bathrooms that were nearby.
When Adam was on the door of the bathroom when someone covered his mouth and push him in Adam didn't know what was going on he tried to scream but his mouth was covered and he also couldn't see his aggressor Adam was forced to one of the stalls and was also forced to his knees.
Adam tried to fight the force of the hand but it was too strong before his head touched the water the aggressor took their hand of Adam's mouth "WAIT-" Adam tried to beg but before he could say anything his head was forced into the toilet.
While Adam's head was in the toilet he felt a hand reach down to his pants and grab the waistband of his undies Adam knew what was coming so he just got ready for the pain.
And as Adam predicted a huge pain raised between his butt cheeks.
After a few seconds the assaulted flushed the toilet and pulled Adam's head of the bowl and talked, Adam immediately recognized that voice, it was Jeff.
Jeff was eating breakfast with his parents when he noticed Adam alone going to the bathrooms and decided to follow him and before he could enter the bathroom he grabbed and him push him into the bathroom so he could have some "fun" with him.
"You ready for round 2 nerd?" Jeff said giving Adam's underwear a hard yank "look at your baby briefs what are you like 4?! Only toddlers wear this" Jeff said making fun of Adam's choice of underwear.
Adam let out some moans of pain from the hard wedgie he was getting from Jeff.
Jeff put Adam's head in the bowl again Adam as always tried to hold his breath and much as he could.
After taking breakfast Jake had to pee so he headed to the bathrooms when he opened the door and walked in he saw Jeff giving Adam a wedgie while his head was on the toilet "hey get off him!" Jeff screamed pulling Jeff away from Adam.
Adam took his head off the toilet and felt to the ground coughing for air "what the fuck?!" Jeff said "Get the hell out of here before I kick your ass idiot" Jake said pushing Jeff away.
Jeff would have fought anyone that would have spoke to him like that but he knew it was a bad idea with his parents here.
Jake kneeled down to try and help Adam "dude are you okay?" Jake said "Not really" Adam said between coughs" after a minute or so Adam caught his breath picked his wedgie "cmon let's get you some breakfast" Jake said. 

Hi everyone! I basically said everything I needed to say on the update but I finish school on Friday so expect more chapters coming during the summer :)!

Another thing, voting and even commenting on my stories gives me a lot of inspiration to write more so if you could just take a second to vote for my story and/or leave a comment that'd be great!

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