The day before christmas break

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The next days of school were no better for Adam he would get daily wedgies, noogies, wet willies swirlies and hanging wedgies from Jeff, Tom, Allan, Chris and other kids around the school.

The meaner kids would also throw spitballs to him and knock his books off his desk and call him a nerd this didn't bother him as much since he was treated like this in his old school. But the classes that Adam hated the most were PE and history since Jeff was in both of them we would get wet willies chair wedgies and he had to give all the answers to Jeff in history class, PE was even worse in the changing rooms Adam would sully get swirlies and would be left hanging by his undies.

Lunch time was also a nightmare for Adam he would sit at what everyone called the "loser" table where all the nerds who also got bullied would sit and eat, Jeff along with other bullies would constantly walk up to the table and bully the nerds sitting there. This included his now bests friends Evan and Luke. Luke was a short skinny boy who whore glasses and had brown hair and blue eyes. Luke and Evan were also bullied by Jeff and his friends they would constantly get food thrown at them and get multiple chair wedgies along with Adam and they were forced to eat lunch like that which was humiliating.

One day after school Adam was walking home all had a tough day at school Adam got multiple wedgies and swirlies from Tom and Jeff he was glad that it was finally Friday and it was his last day before Christmas break we was glad that he was going to get 2 weeks off school meaning that he would take a brake of the bullies while Adam was walking he felt that he was being watched he soon realized that he was being being followed by Jeff and his friends he tried to run but Jeff and his friends were way faster than him so it was just a matter of time for them to catch the boy.

After a minute of running the bullies finally caught up to Adam and grabbed him by his shirt neck "Do you think I was going to let you go that easy before Christmas break?" Jeff said while smirking "Please Jeff let me go Tom and you already gave me a wedgie and my butt is still hurting from that" Adam begged "Awww... does the little nerd butt hurts... well it's gonna hurt way more in a minute" both boys grabbed Adam by the arms and Adam tried to scape he closed his eyes tried kicking his legs to break free he kicked with all his strength and he then felt he hit something "SH*T" he heard Jeff screamed he opened his eyes and realized what big of a mistake he had made.

Jeff's nose was bleeding from the kick Adam gave to him and both of his friends were laughing at him "Dude at nerd just have you a bloody nose" said one of the boys and they both laughed "You really made a big mes take idiot!" Jeff said while getting closer to Adam "Jeff I-I-I'm sorry p-please dont hurt me p-please I'm sorry" Adam tried to beg "You are going to regret the day you were born kid" Jeff said furiously. Jeff then started to punch Adam in the face on the side on the stomach Adam was begging or help but without success Jeff kept punching him over and over for a solid minute, he then pantsed Adam revealing his stretched Pokémon undies James then grabbed the front and the back of the underwear and he pulled it as hard as he could Adam felt his privates being crushed by the fabric and he felt like his asshole was on fire, Adam pulled back and forth over and over while Adam was tearing up in pain, he then pulled in both sides as hard as he could lifting Adam off the ground, Adam squealed as a little girl while he felt how his undies were trying to rip him in two. Jeff started to bounce Adam over and over Adam was holding his private a trying to ease the pain after a lot of bounces Adam was put to the ground and in 1 pull the back of his underwear was snatched on his chin and with another pull the front was snatched to the back of his head Adam was in a double atomic wedgie the pain was unbearable "Let's hang him in that fence" one of Jeff friends said. Adam was then stripped to only his undies and he was hang in a metal fence by the leg holes of his undies while still in the double atomic wedgie. Adam was crying off pain while Jeff and his friends where laughing off his situation Jeff then pulled on his legs making the pain worse Adam then felt a wet sport in the front of his undies, he was having an accident "He's Leung himself" Jeff screamed the bullies where laughing as Adam cried of embarrassment as the wet spot got bigger and urine started leaking off his legs. "If you ever try to fight back again the punishment will be sway worse than this" Jeff said before leaving while laughing with his friends.

Adam was then left crying, in a double atomic hanging wedgie, under a puddle of his own urine after an hour Adam's undies finally ripped and he fell in the puddle of urine he then cleaned his tears and began running home naked, luckily he was near home so it didn't take him long to get there when he entered his home he saw himself in a mirror next to the door "frick!" He thought as he saw he had a black eye and a lot of bruises around his face and tummy.

He then rushed upstairs and took a shower to take away the smell of his "accident" after the shower he put on some tighty whities with black strips and some dragon ball Z pajamas and some white sock then went to bed and cried himself to sleep thinking why everyone had to be mean to him and why was he always getting bullied and what was he going to do about it since fight back clearly wasn't an option.

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