First day of middle school

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Summer was over meaning it was time to go back to school Adam was nervous since he knew Jeff would make life impossible to him.

Adam woke up took and got ready for school he ate breakfast kissed his mom goodbye and started to walk towards the bus stop lucky for him there was no one there so Adam just waited for the bus to show up he got in and he sat all the way back by himself Adam was lost in his thoughts looking out the window when he was interrupted by someone sitting next to him "sup" the kid said sitting next to Adam "Uh... hi" Adam said shyly "I'm jake what about you?" "I'm... uh... I'm Adam" Adam answered. Adam looked at the boy he had curly brown hair he was wearing a white shirt with a jean jacket and black pants and he had brown Asian eyes.
When the bus arrived to the school Adam started to walk down to get off but was interrupted by someone putting his foot in front of him making him trip "hey are you okay?" Jake asked helping him stand up "Yeah" Adam looked to the kid who made him trip and realized it was jeff.
Adam got off the bus and rushed to his locker trying to avoid more problems he already knew where he had to go and memorized the route so he could avoid all the bullies Adam took his stuff and rushed to class luckily for him he made it without any troubles it was time for second period Adam was taking his stuff off his locker when he was dragged to the bathrooms by Jeff "no Jeff please don't..." Adam begged Jeff got in the bathroom and locked the door they entered a stall and he forced Adam to his knees "you better hold your breath nerd" Jeff said "please Jeff don-" Adam tried to beg but was interrupted by his head being dumped in the toilet bowl Jeff then flushed the toilet and took Adam's head out for a cumple of seconds before putting it back in Jeff this this around 5 times Jeff then forced Adam to stand up and turned around Jeff grabbed on Adam's waistband and gave a hard pull making Adam stand in his toes Adam was wearing some dinosaur themed briefs Adam's leg holes were filling showing so Jeff got a better hold on them and started to bounce Adam making him squeal when the bell rang Jeff gliders Adam and hooked him by the leg holes to 2 hooks that were near each other Adam kicked his legs trying but only made his underwear dig dipper between his butt cheeks before e leaving Jeff pantsed Adam and left laughing Adam tried to break free with no success he put his down in defeat and decided let the hanging wedgie do it's thing.

Adam hang all second period it was now lunch time Adam was still hanging in the bathroom when he heard the door open and saw Jake Adam pulled his shirt down trying to cover his underwear "cute undies" Jake said and Adam blushed "need a hand?" "Please?" Adam answered Jack then lifted Adam off the hook and put him down Adam fixed his wedgie and pulled up his pants "you should eat lunch with me to avoid.... this to happen again" jack suggested and Adam agreed.

They left the bathroom and went to the cafeteria they picked their lunch and sat together and started eating "so mind telling me who put you up there?" Jake asked "Is this kid called Jeff" "has he been bothering you before?" "Yeah since elementary" "I see..." their talk got interrupted by the sound of Jeff's voice "Well well well looks like Adam got himself a boyfriend" Adam turned around and saw Jeff standing behind him "Why don't you go mess someone your size" Jake said standing up in front of Jeff "why don't you go mind your business" Jeff answered "This is my business you are trying to pick on my friend" "I'm his friend?" Adam thought to himself Jeff and Jake looked at each other in the eyes for a couple of seconds "fine there are a lot of nerds I can bother" Jeff said before walking off Jake sat down and started eating "Thank you for standing up for me" Adam said "no problem" jack answered "am I your friend?" "Yeah of course".

The bell rang so Adam had to go back to class the day went on as normal the last bell rang meaning it was time to go home Adam was walking to the exit when he got pulled back by the shirt by Jeff "where do you think are going?" Jeff said putting Adam up the wall by his neck shirt "p-please Jeff let me go" "now you don't have your boyfriend with you do you?" Everyone was looking at Adam and Jeff "well let's begin" Jeff turned Adam around and started to pull on his underwear in front of everyone in the hallway "look he's wearing baby briefs!" Someone shouted everyone started laughing at Adam which made him blush from embarrassment Jeff pulled Adam off the ground and started to bounce him towards a trash bin as everyone followed after all the bouncing Adam's pants fell down exposing his butt to everyone there Adam was finally put in a yellow trash bin head first making his legs stand out Jeff then took Adam's pants off and threw them in the trash bin everyone laughed and eventually left.

Adam was kicking his legs screaming for help the smell of trash was starting to make Adam sick after around 30 minutes of being there Adam heard someone walking up to him "Adam you need to start standing up for yourself" Jake sake pulling Adam out of the trash bin Adam picked his wedgie and pull his pants off the bin "I don't stand a chance agains him l kicked him once by accident and he gave the a purple eye and the biggest wedgie of all time" "So are you just going to let anyone walk over you?" "Well I-" "so I can just bully you whenever I want?" Jake said pushing Adam "please stop" "what are you going to do? Huh?" Jake said pushing him again "what are you going to do Adam?" "Please stop" Adam whined. Jake pushed Adam again "What are you going to do? You are just a nerd who can't defend himself" Jake lifted his hand in a punch pretending that he was going to hit Adam, "Please don't hit me!" Adam begged putting his hands on his face and closing his eyes.

Jake put his arm down "I'm sorry I went too far" Jake apologized "it's okay I should have stood up for myself" "you better go home it's getting late" Jake said "but try to stand up for yourself next time that kid Jeff tries to pick on you again okay?" "Okay thanks, bye Jake" Adam said before running home. Adam got home and luckily for him his mom wasn't there she probably was at the grocery store Adam got  in the shower after the shower he realized his undies were stretched to the point of no return so he put them in one of his drawers Adam had dinner and went to bed he cried a little about the fact that he couldn't stand for himself and his tomorrow was going to be.

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