The camping trip Pt. 1

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"Mom Dad Im home!" Adam shouted entering his house taking his shoes off and hanging his backpack in a hook they had by the door.

It was a normal day for Adam he got a couple of wedgies and a swirly early in the morning so he was already dry when he got home.

Adam rushed upstairs to change his wedgied underwear and start playing video games, today was his last day of school before spring break or how Adam thought about it a "bullying free week" Adam could see himself watching cartoon and playing video games all day and reading in his bed at night and the best bart he could do all that without being teased and without his underwear hooked on his head or hanging by it.

"Adam honey can you come here please we have something to tell you" Adam's mom said Adam went to the living room and saw his parents watching TV together "yes mom?" Adam said standing in front of them "well we wanted tell you that since you don't have school all next week we decided to go camping with your fiends!" She said excited "Oh god why me" Adam thought he didn't mind being his friends but he hated going outside specially camping where there was no internet and there were a lot of insects and dirt and animals "So are Jake Evan and Luke coming?" He asked "yes they are all coming k closing Jeff you all seemed to have fun at the sleep over we decided to invite him too" she said thinking they were starting to become friends.

Adam had a thousand thoughts going trough his mind he could already see himself hanging by his underwear on a tree branch or Jeff giving him an atomic wedgie with his brother.

"When are se leaving?" Adam asked "we are leaving tomorrow morning around 10am I'll go help you pack your staff later okay?" "Okay mom" Adam went upstairs and didn't know how to feel he tried to enjoy the bully-free time he had and started playing animal crossing on his Nintendo switch Adam lost track of time and before he realized he heard a knock on his door his mom entered and told Adam to help her pack his stuff for the week.

His mom packed a lot of T-shirts cargo shorts socks and of course a huge pile of cartoon briefs.

The next morning Adam woke up had breakfast and got dressed up for the trip it was a 3 hour drive to their camping place Adam was wearing a Pac-Man shirt with a pair of blue cargo shorts and a pair of grey briefs with footballs printed all over them.

Adam got in his car with his mom and dad and headed their way to the camping place Adam fell asleep the whole ride but was woken up by the sound of the car pulling up to an entree they arrived at the camping place Adam's family had reserved a place for 4 families, they were the first ones there so the place was empty.

Adam got off his car playing the legend of Zelda BOTW but was interrupted when his mon took his switch off his hands "mom I have so save my game" Adam whined "Adam we brought you here so you can spend time with your friends and enjoy the beauty of nature so no video games and come help us set everything up with your dad"

After a few minutes Adam heard a car pull up next to his and saw in fear Jeff and his brother Jake get out of the car both parents greeted each other "Jeff why don't you and Adam go play while we unpack everything" Jeff dad said Adam looked to Jeff in fear "sure thing dad" Jeff said wrapping his hand around Adam's shoulder and dragging him "w-what are you gonna do to me?" Adam asked "well we have a whole week to figure it out but for now..." Jeff said grabbing Adam's waistband and pulling it and hard as he could "Owww..." Adam cried out feeling once again his underwear going in between his butt cheeks "please stop" Adam begged Jeff forced Adam to his toes and eventually he lifted him off the ground by his underwear and started to bounce him Adam squealed like a little girl after every bounce and the pain between his privates and butt cheeks was increasing after each bounce.

After 2 minutes Adam's underwear ripped out and Adam fell face first to the ground and Jeff laughed and left throwing the ripped out part of the underwear on top of Adam "this is going to be a long week" Adam said.

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