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Hey guys hope you love this chapter I wrote it long with many events, and I edited it to be perfect, hope you love it.

"So clay, where do you want to show us." Katie asked excitedly, "umm well, there's a nature trail that's really cool, I go there sometimes when I really stressed." I said, she smiled, "that sounds nice." She seemed nice but I was still jealous, "so who's your friend hosting the party?" Katie asked, "oh it's clays girlfriend or something." George joked, "no it's my friend Stacey." Does he really think she's my girlfriend, Katie and George chatted as they followed me to the nature trail ,it was a breezy day, the leaves on the nature trail swayed, I Could feel how I had all the stress relieved.

It was supposed to me and George so I could try to talking to him, but Katie came along, we entered a little meadow with chirping birds, and flying geese, with a pond on the side, "wow clay this beautiful." She said looking everywhere in awe, "thanks me and my friends came here all the time when we were kids." She smiled, "oh that's nice." I could see why George liked her, she was nice, and kind, "I can see why you say it's nice to relieve all of you stress you have, it's just so calming." She said breathing deeply "hey so me and clay were going to eat but I didn't get to Order since I ran into you." George chuckled, "you're always forgetting things, and yeah I just order a coffee so I'm kinda hungry too." Looking at George.

"Well where should we go." George asked, "I saw a arcade that looked fun." Katie suggested, "oh I remember when I went there when I was a kid." I remembered all the good times with all my friends, I never got to hang with all of them like that, maybe because we only talked to each other at school, or maybe I was busy with George, I don't know but I kind never hung out with my friends anymore, I kinda only talked to the at school and I always been with George, I should try to get George to hang out with my friends so they don't feel like I'm leaving them, we walked through the meadow and out towards town, we walked up to a little arcade with plenty of kids and adults to be called popular,"so we have to pay to get in right." Katie asked holding her wallet, "yes but I'll pay for the tickets." I said grabbing my wallet, "thanks." She said.

As I payed for are tickets, I heard Katie and George talking about something, I was curious about, I know I shouldn't even be listening to conversations but this one caught my attention, "so how are handling, after Dustin....died." Katie said in a sympathetic tone, " well I'm doing fine." George answered, "I know you were guys were close, some people said you guys were in love." She joked, George chuckled, "Yeah me and him were really close." George sighed, " I just wish he was still here." I wonder who Dustin was, I turned around and gave them the tickets, like I heard nothing at all, "here these are good for like 20 games or a couple of rounds of bowling." I handed the tickets," what should we do first?" Katie asked, "I think we should play bowling first." George suggested, "that sounds fun." Katie tugged at George arms and pulled him over to bowling rink.

"Why are these shoes so tight." George complained, "bowling shoes are just tight for you." I said trying to slip on mine, "ok and they are just going slip on for you, mr big feet." George joked, "hey my feet are normal size!" I shouted," if that's normal then I'm average height." He said back," no you just won't accept that your short."I smiled, "shut up." He said looking away," come on you guys we didn't come here to roast each other." Katie said already holding a bowling ball.

"How are ready!" George said confused, "my feet are just small I guess." She chuckled, I rolled my eyes, "well then let's get started." She said pulling George, "who's going first." George asked, "I'll go first." I said grabbing the bowling ball out of Katie's hands, "time to show you my skills." I said smirking, I rose my hand behind my back and swung my hand forward,......... I missed, "good aim." George chuckled, "shut up." I said back, "ok watch this." George went up he did the same technique as me and......., missed, "ok you two watch the queen." Katie rosed her arm and swung it forward with force, she hit all the pins.

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