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Tw there is some 🌶spicy stuff🌶 if you know what I mean😏 but be aware its non-consent😔..... oh and some casual under age drinking. ⚠️

It was a hour till the party, I don't know why but I felt the need to make myself look as cute as possible, maybe I felt like it or it was for someone, I styled my hair to look naturally messy, and go to put on the pink sweater that clay got me, and put on a little bit of make up just to hide any thing on my face, after that I looked at myself in the mirror fixed my clothes, "George your boyfriends here." Eliza screamed from down stairs, she must be talking about clay, he said he would pick me up.

I ran down stairs, Clay looked up from talking to my sister, "h-hey George." He waved, I walked up to him,"hey clay."I said we kinda stared at each other for a bit before Eliza spoke up, "umm are to going to go or like stand there and drool over each other." She said smirking, "oh just shut up." I said grabbing clays hand and rushing out the door, "uh sorry about my sister she's kinda annoying when it comes to me meeting new people." I said as we walked to the party,"it's ok she seemed cool."

We chatted most of the way till we finally got to the party, there was people with red solo cups on the lawn people making out on the front porch or people drinking and getting drunk right as the party started, me and clay walked in avoiding all the drunk teenagers, "hey Nick." Clay dragged me over to all of his friends Nick was already tipsy, "h-hey clay." He stumbled over is words because of all the beer in his system, "where are the drinks." Clay said asking the drunk Nick ,"th-hic-ere over in th-hic-e kitchen." He responded and went over to hit on some girls, "do you want anything." Clay asked, "no I don't want to drink." He looked me and frowned,"oh come live a little." He said wrapping his arm around me, "No I'm sure." I responded, "ok no pressure." He unwrapped his arm around me to go grab a drink.

I wandered around the party passing, people throwing up, or grinding against each other, which made me very uncomfortable, I walked through random halls and passing by a session of beer pong, I glanced in the room where the beer pong was taking place and saw, clay and Nick going up against each other, clay was wrecking Nick and hitting almost every shot and getting wasted in the process, I walked through rooms just looking around because I had nothing to do, "hey George my man." I turned around to see zak, "hey zak." I said, "so me and some other people were going to do spin the bottle truth or dare, you up for it." I thought about and made a decision, "sure." I responded, "great." He dragged me through halls, and into a room with some other people.

"The one with the purple looking hair is Becca, the one fiddling with the ukulele is Maia, the red head is floris or fundy, and the one with the stubble on his chin is Jay, you already know, Wilbur, Niki, Darryl, quackity, clay, and Stacey." I sat down right next to the girl with the ukulele, or in other words Maia, "hey, George right." She smiled softly, "yeah, and your Maia." I asked, "the one and only." I chuckled,"nice to meet you." She held out her hand and I greatly accepted her hand shake, "ok are we already."zak yelled to everyone, they all either nodded or mumbled if they were drunk.

Zak spun the bottle first, and it landed on minx," truth or dare." He asked, "dare." She said with great confidence, " I dare you...." he said looking around the room, " I dare you to throw your drink in Stacey's face," challenge accepted." She said looking over to Stacey, "wait wh....." it was to late the smell of beer was all over her her, "fuck you skeppy." She huffing and puffing, dare after dare, and some truths, finally I got chosen by the bottle, and who spun it none other than Maia, "truth or dare George." She asked with a smirk, "dare." I guess I was just bored because I had to see everyone else do some crazy stuff and I just sat there, "I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with........" she paused and her grin was evil, "Clay." She said chuckling, " wait what.." I was being grabbed by Becca and Jay and they threw me into a closet and they threw clay in next, "sorry George." She yelled from the other side over the closet doors.

They slammed the closet door and pushed there body's against it so we couldn't get out, I looked over to clay, he smelled of beer and he was totally wasted, "hey cl-." I was cut off by his lips meeting mine, he harshly slammed his lips into mine pushing me up against the wall of the walk in closet, he pulled away to catch his breath, I looked up at him, blush all over my face, "your so cute George." He said as he pulled me back into the kiss, I made little sounds, It felt so right but.... but I wasn't ready for this, his hands traveled from My waist to....., I pulled away pushing him off me, " don't touch me there." I said I felt uneasy with him I wasn't ready for that, I pushed my way through the closet doors, and ran out into the party trying to find my way out.

I finally got out of there and walked back home crying, I felt so violated, but it also felt so right.

I think I fell for him.

"No consent, that's no good" -sonic 2021-
Also I will be posting like once every week, Im just so busy, but hope enjoyed the chapter

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