The snow

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Me and clay, silently unpacked are bags and suitcases, the things that just happened were..... lets just say it was awkward, they way he swiftly flipped me on my back, and straddled me, it sent butterflies to my stomach, it felt nice...... "sooo...... when do we plan to go snowboarding." I asked, "umm I was planning to go in ohh I don't know in about 3 hours." He said looking up from his phone and looked at me, "ok cool." I looked at my open suitcase, I made sure I had everything ready.

I laid down right next to clay looking at my own phone, "hey George." He looked over to me, "I know I asked this like ten times but....... do you really like this trip." He asked, "of course I do I love it." I replied, "Yeah..... its just that what happened at the party, Im really really really sorry." He said sitting up and looking at me with his green eyes, "Clay its ok..... I forgive you." I said, "I know." He said he wrapped his arms around and dug his face into my arm, there are those feelings again, "w-when do you think Stacey and n-nick are coming back." I stuttered, "uhhh I don't know." He said pushing his face deeper into my shoulder, I turned off my phone and looked at clay.

He had fallen asleep, I laughed a little, I was so surprised that he had fallen asleep so fast, I observed the sleeping man right next to me, his hair hanging over his eyes, his chest rising against my arm, his legs intertwined with mine, I felt my eye lids start feel heavy, as I gave into sleep I wrapped my arms around clay and put my head under his chin, I closed my eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Time skip

"Wakey wakey." A voice said, I opened my eyes a little to see Nick standing over me, he was smirking, "are going be able to walk." Now I wanted to slap him, "what do you mean." I asked untilI felt movement beside, I looked over and saw clay spooning me, I blushed at the thought, "h-how long have we been asleep." I asked blushing, "like 5 hours, I looked out the window it was almost pitch black, apart from the flood lights that lit the outside of the lodge, "jeez." I said grabbing my phone it was only 7 pm,"Well what did you and Stacey do while we were sleeping." I asked, "oh we just walked around inside and outside the lodge."

"Thats hard to believe that you and Stacey hung out." I replied, "well she actually was kinda nice compared to her bitchy attitude." He said in a surprised tone, "guys can you shut up." Clay spoke pulling me closer to his chest,"clay can you let go of me." I asked, "nooooo I want cuddles." He said pulling me as close to him as he can almost squeezing the life out of me, "please clay." I said, "fine Georgie." He said letting go of me, "what time is it." He asked rubbing his eyes, "uhh its like 7pm." I said showing him the clock on my phone, "do you guys still want to go snowboarding." He asked getting up off the bed, "yeah totally." Me and nick said in sync, "well let's get ready then."

"Ok are we all ready." Nick asked, me, clay, and Stacey, nodded in response, "ok off to the ski lifts." He said pointing to the lifts bringing families Back and forth from the top of the mountain, "I call riding with George." Clay said rushing over to me, "wait no I wanted to ride with you Stacey said, "no let them ride with each other." Nick said pulling Stacey away from me and Clay, "ugh fine." She seemed more nicer I guess you could say, or thats as nice as she can get, "your up next."one of the people operating the lifts said ushering us to the lifts.

"Ok in the count of the three we jump on the seats........... one..... two..... three!." Me and clay both jumped on the Lift, "up we go." He said laughing into the cold Oregon winter air, "you got all your gear and your snow board." He asked for the tenth time, "Yes I have everything clay, no need to worry." I said resting my head on his shoulder, as are feet dangled below us, "it seems like stacey and nick are getting along." Clay said looking behind him, "yeah I guess so." I said looking at them, it seemed like nick and Stacey were actually getting along.

Me and clay jumped of the lift once we hit the end of the ride and started to get the gear ready, "ok have you snow boarded before." Clay asked, "n-no." I said looking at the steep drop, "ok just hold my hand and follow my lead." He said holding out his hand for me to grab, we slid down the steep edge, the snow making clouds behind us passing by other people, "ok Im going to let go so you can do it on your own." He said with reassurance, I nodded once and he let go of hand, "ok I'll meet you at the bottom." He said going a head of me.

I slid down with ease to clay who was always there to cheer for me when I was sliding down, "yay you did it." He said putting his arm around my waist, "do you want to go again." He asked, "yes!." I jumped with excitement, me and clay went multiple times sliding down and going up on the lift, nick and Stacey had went back to the lodge to sleep.

"Hey they have a scenic lift that is a two way do you want to go on that before we go back to the lodge, "sounds nice, yes I would love to." We walked over to the line and finally got on we had gone up higher until we were almost at the very top, the view was perfect, I looked over to clay and he looked over to me, nothing was spoken we just looked into each other's eyes

"George I have something to tell you."

What could that be?

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