15. Run to you

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(n.) a person who will forgive anything the first time, tolerate it the second time, but never a third time

song request:
daisy by pentagon
(one of the best comebacks ever. This song is an actual masterpiece)
been through by exo
(best exo song hands down, everything about it is amazing)
drivers license by olivia rodrigo
(this song is...just yes)
run to you i-land
(of course I needed this song in here)

Tw // swearing/abuse

Yeona froze, not wanting to move out of fear.

"Come on baby, it's time to go back home." Hyunmin roughly grabbed her arm and started to drag her down the street. Yeona tried using all her strength to get her arm loose but all he did was hold on tighter.

"Hyunmin let go of me." Her voice was stone cold. "Let go of me, I'm not going anywhere with you." She struggled trying to get his arms away from her.

"Believe me, you don't want to get me more angry than I already am." He threw her body down. "You're coming back with me whether you like it or not. You're a little bitch for running away with some boys. I always knew you were a whore, talking to boys behind my back. You really think they care about you, they're just a bunch of losers."

"Don't talk about them like that." He could insult her all he wanted, but not the boys. Nobody can talk about her boys like that.

Hyunmin laughed, kicking her in the stomach. "Say that again, I dare you."

Yeona coughed towards the ground, clutching her stomach in her hands. "Don't...fucking...talk about them...like that." She breathed out. This was the first time she has ever sworn.

Hyunmin clenched a fist full of her hair in his hands, snapping her head back so she would look at him. "I warned you, now you're gonna pay for it." He hit her right in the face, knocking her out.

"Has Yeona come back yet?" Sunghoon asked the boys.

"I don't think so, I hadn't seen her walk back in yet." Jake said.

"I'm gonna go down and see what's taking her long." Sunghoon got up and put his shoes on, leaving the house.

The boys jumped after hearing the door slam, getting up to see what all the noise was coming from. Sunghoon was standing at the door panting.

"Woah, did you run a marathon. Why are you out of breath." Heeseung asked.

"Yeona, she's gone." The boys glanced at Sunghoon with a look of confusion, not sure what he was going on about.

"Gone, what do you mean gone? She just went down to get a package." Jungwon exclaimed.

"The package...it was on the ground smashed. She left it there and is gone." Sunghoon panicked.

"Calm down, maybe she had to go somewhere." Jay tried to assure him by patting his back but Sunghoon pushed his hand away.

"Don't tell me to calm down, she's gone. We need to go find her now. I have to go find her." Sunghoon snapped. He threw the door open, running out, the others following behind.

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