09. Home

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(n.) the deep emotional bond between people; especially those separated by distance or death

song request: supernova by haze moon (this song... really different... really amazing. I'm obsessed with it right now. The whole vibe of it, immaculate.)

Tw // mention of abuse (moderate)

It was now the new year. Things has been going smooth for the group. It was a good start for Yeona. She finally entered a year with a heart at ease and a head that was light of thoughts. There wasn't anything weighing her down. A new year she entered happy, finally.

The time has come, Yeona was finally going back home to visit. It has been a good while since she seen her mom, maybe a year has passed since she could be with her. But this time was a little different from the other times Yeona had gone to visit. The boys were going along on the trip down to meet her for the first time.

Mrs. Kim gave Yeona a small break from work so she could take some time off and go visit her mom. She was thankful as it allowed her to relax a little and didn't add more stress to her busy schedule.

Yeona was nervous at first, but with the reassurance from both her mom and the boys she was feeling more excited than nervous. This is the trip that Yeona was also planning to tell her mom about Hyunmin. She hasn't told the boys yet, but she knew they'd be there for her.

It was the perfect time, she knew she had to do it sooner than later.

"The train leaves at 8am everyone. We have to get there by 7:30am to make sure we don't miss it. Make sure you don't forget anything, pack your bags if you haven't done that already. I'm looking at you Jay." Heeseung announced to everyone.

"How's the weather there Yeona, should we bring sweaters?" Sunoo asked.

"Not too bad, just bring one or two."

The clock hit 7am and the group was now making their way to the station so they wouldn't miss the train. They took two separate taxis, Yeona, Sunghoon, Jake, and Heeseung were in the first one. With Jay, Sunoo, Niki, and Jungwon in the second one.

Thankfully they made it just in time to board the train. They found their seats and got comfortable as the trip would be a good 2 and a half hours before they'd reach Gwangju.

While on the train, some slept as they had woken up early that morning to get everything done before they left. Some played on their phones, or listened to music while looking out the window. Yeona was reading a book at first but since put it down to just gaze out of the window.

"You nervous?" Yeona broke her gaze from out the window to look at the person talking to her who happened to be Sunghoon, he sat in the seat across from her.

"How could you tell." She chuckled.

"You usually pick at your nails when you're nervous." Sunghoon said. Yeona looked down at her hands, sure enough she was playing with her hands.

"You shouldn't be nervous, you can finally relax your mind here. Don't think about anything that'll bring your mood down."

"Well, I'm actually...I'm planning to tell me mom everything." Sunghoon sat up straight once he hear that.

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