04. Safe place

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(n.) a hiding place; a place of safety and comfort

song request:
into the i-land by i-land

Tw // swearing

"Yeona," she looked up at the person calling her name. It's was Jungwon, but he was with friends. One of them had been the person to grab Hyunmin's arm from your neck along side Jungwon.

"Who the fuck are you," Hyunmin got up and shoved Jungwon and his friend who had pushed him away from Yeona.

"Don't touch them like that," Yeona got to Jungwons side. "You have no right putting your hands on them like that asshole. You started it." Hyunmin was fuming. He wasn't used to Yeona sticking up for herself.

He grabbed her shirt collar and yanked her towards him. He raised his hands getting ready to slap her but a hand stopped him once again.

"Don't you dare hit her again," it was Jungwons friend again. One she didn't recognize before.

"And what the fuck are you going to do about it if I do," Hyunmin got into the boys face trying to egg him on.

Yeona didn't expect the boy to do anything to Hyunmin. She was wrong. The boy punched Hyunmin right in the face, causing him to fall to the ground after the sudden hit that caught him off guard.

She could see the slight panic on his face, he looked back at his friends and Yeona who was currently standing in between them.

"Maybe we should run now," Sunghoon panicked.

"I'm going fucking kill you all," Hyunmin yelled from the ground.

"Yea, I think running sounds good right now." The boy ran up to Yeona and grabbed her arm and started to run along with the others. Hyunmin yelling and threatening while following the group.

People who were occupying the streets were looking towards the commotion that was taking place. Some of them rushing out of the way not wanting to be hit by the group.

The boy who Yeona didn't know the name of never let go; his grip never weakening from her arm. She was fearful that if he let go, Hyunmin would catch up to them. Not wanting that, she held on to his hand tighter while they ran.

She didn't know where they were going, but she knew the boys had a place they were trying to get to. She wasn't going to argue where that place is exactly. If it's somewhere away from hyunmin then she didn't care. Hoping they'd get there sooner than later, because by the sound of Hyunmin's voice getting even more aggressive she knew they needed to get away.

"Go into our place." Jungwon pointed towards the building in front of them.

They ran into the building, she guessed it was their place they shared together. Rushing into the elevator and pushing the close button repeatedly. Thankful that the door had shut right when Hyunmin got to it.

Yeona let her breath out, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore. She dropped her head in defeat; her sobbing taking over.

She felt arms wrap around her shoulders and hugged her closer to them. Letting them, knowing that she needed that the most right now. She didn't care if she knew them personally or not, it didn't matter to her to be honest. Comfort is what she needed.

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