20. That night

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(adj.) hating endings; of someone who tries to avoid or prolong the final moments of a story, a relationship, or any other journey

song request:
i&credible by i-land
life goes on by bts
heaven by ab6ix
night changes by one direction
then, now, and forever by cnblue

Today has been a crazy day. There was a unexpected heavy snowfall that hit the city hard. Because of the snow fall, there was a power outage at both the shop and the apartment. Yeona was at her evening shift when the power was cut.

"I don't think the power will get back on till the morning." Mr. Kim came in shivering. He went to the circuits to see if he could put the emergency ones on but those were out as well unfortunately.

"I guess we'll have to close up for the night. Yeona we'll close up, you get a taxi back home."

"Are you sure you don't need help. I could stay."

"Don't worry, there isn't much." Mrs. Kim handed her a box. "Here, take these back for the boys to snack on for the night. We'll see you later." Yeona thanked them and went to put on her coat and scarf.

She ran out to hail a taxi. Unfortunately with the heavy snow fall, the traffic was backed up so she couldn't get one to stop.

Sighing, she decided to just make the cold walk back home. Once she got back, she noticed the elevators not working. "Huh? Is there no power here either?"

Leaving the elevator, she made her way to the stairs. Considering that their apartment was on the 8th floor, she'll have a long and tiring walk up.

Panting, she grabbed out her keys from her purse to unlock the door. The apartment was dark and cold upon walking into it. Taking off her shoes and scarf, shaking off as much snow she could from her head and jacket.

"Hello?" She called out. Walking into the living room to see the boys huddled up in front of the tv.

"What are you guys doing?"

The boys all jumped, practically screaming all at once. Yeona jumped up in confusion. "What! What's wrong?"

"Don't scare us like that Yeona! When did you even comeback." Jay placed his hand on her heart.

"I just got back now, what are you guys doing?" She walked in putting the box on the table, taking her jacket off. "And why is it so cold and dark in here?"

"The power cut off 20 minutes ago cause of the snowfall, so we are watching a movie on the laptop since the tv doesn't work." Jungwon said.

"The power cut off here as well, it must be the whole block then."

"Why, did the shop lose its power too?"

Yeona nodded, "ya, that's why I came back earlier than I should have."

"I'm gonna go change, my clothes are soaking from the snow."

"You walked back from the shop? Why didn't you get a taxi? You're gonna get a cold Yeona!" Sunghoon got up from the floor to follow Yeona to the room.

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