17. I love you

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(n.) running your fingers through the hair of someone you love

song request:
lalalilala by april
inception by ateez
so beautiful by dpr ian

cringe content warning lol

It has been a healing 2 weeks for not just Yeona but everyone honestly. It help clear their minds from everything that had gone down.

During this time Yeona was able to get a restraining order against Hyunmin. She's never felt more relieved afterwards. Knowing that he'll never get close to her again made her feel free of fear. She'll finally be able to live a new start, and having the boys there by her side made it ten times better.

Yeona was now 85% healed from her injuries. She still had bruising on her side, as well as pain. But she was healing good with Sunghoon's and the others help. He never left her side once, always asking if she needed anything every five minutes.

"Do you need anything my love?" Sunghoon asked her.

"Sunghoon, you asked me just five minutes ago." Yeona chuckled. "Im good, I don't need anything right now. Actually I want you to sit down with me. You'll get sick if you're not resting enough."

"I won't get sick, I'm fine."

"Okay, well sit with me anyways." Yeona patted the seat by her. Sunghoon walked over and pulled her into his arms.

"I just want you to make a full recovery." Sunghoon sighed.

"I know Hoonie, and I'm so grateful to have you taking care of me. But if you don't rest then you'll fall sick."

"I know I know, don't worry. I'll be careful."

"Good." She rested her head on his shoulder, grabbing his hand in hers.

"You're a couple for one day and now you guys can't be apart." Jay playfully gags. Sunghoon got up and wrestled Jay to the ground.

"Come on Jay, just say you're jealous that you don't have a girlfriend." Heeseung laughed.

"Me! Jealous." Jay shook his head. "Come on, I don't need anyone." Jay fake cried causing  everyone to laugh.

"Isn't Valentine's Day in like a couple of days from now?" Jake said.

"Really, already. It feels like Christmas was just yesterday."

"Are you guys planning to do anything together." Sunghoon looked at Yeona, wondering as well.

"Um, I'm...not the biggest fan of Valentine's Day. Things kind of happened, I just... I'd just like it to be another day."

"Don't worry, we can just have a casual day. We can order take out together, watch movies, we can even go and get ice cream together." Sunghoon nodded.

"I actually have work that day, I'm sorry."

"Oh, you have work, that's fine. I'm gonna grab water, anyone else want." Sunghoon got up and made his way to the kitchen. Yeona got up as well, making her way into the kitchen.

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