16. Move in

927 51 7

homey; cozy

song request:
heaven by ab6ix
(this song is immaculate, it's so beautiful. If you liked the txt blue hour album then you'll really like this song)
so bad by stayc
(what an iconic debut wow, I'm trying to suggest girl groups more cause they're icons)
breakthrough by p1harmony
(they're killing the game, this song FOR sure will be on my top 3 songs)

Yeona was getting discharged from the hospital today. It was eight am currently, the doctor was in her room giving her all the medication she'll need while at home recovering.

"Okay that's all from me, make sure you're taking good precautions while at home; no heavy work, no working out, and make sure you don't bump your head as that could worsen your concussion. You can now be discharged." Yeona thanks the doctor.

Sunghoon helped Yeona up from her bed, guiding her to the bathroom so she can change from the hospital clothes to her regular ones.

"Sunghoon." Yeona's muffled voice called from the bathroom. He got up from the chair and walked the bathroom door.

"Yes? Is everything okay."

Yeona peaked her head out from inside. "I'm having trouble putting on my shirt...I can't lift my arms up, it hurts."

"Oh, don't worry about that. Would you like my help?" Yeona nodded. She opened the door just enough so he could slip inside.

Yeona held her shirt around her body, she felt embarrassed standing in front of him like this. Not about him seeing her without a shirt on, but her bruises. The feeling of vulnerability and weakness.

"I'll shut my eyes if you want me to, your comfort is the most important thing."

"No it's alright, I just...my bruising." She looked down, "I'm...my body isn't-"

"Yeona," Sunghoon gently called her, she looked up at him. "You're so beautiful, everything about you. It doesn't matter what you look like, I love the way you look no matter what."

"Can I help you?" Yeona nodded, she moved the shirt away. Handing it into Sunghoon's hands.

"Tell me if I hurt you okay, I'll go as slow as I can." Sunghoon gently put her head through the hole in the shirt. He slid his hands, pulling her hair out her the shirt

"I'm gonna lift your arm up slowly, okay baby."

Yeona sucked in a deep breath as she lifted her arm up, "I know it hurts, I'm sorry, I'm almost done okay." Squeezing her eyes shut, tears falling.

"We're done, I know it hurts." Sunghoon pulled her into his arms soothing her. He pulled away, wiping her tears.

"This is the easy part okay. I brought my sweater for you." He grabbed his sweater and helped her into it. "All done, you're so strong Yeona." Hugging her.

They left the room, going to sign out at the front desk. Once they did all the paperwork and got her medication they made their way out. Sunghoon called at taxi for them to get back home. On their way back she called her mom to assure her that she was okay and that Sunghoon was taking care of her.

Getting to the apartment, all the boys were already there waiting to greet her. The apartment was cleaned up of all the decorations from when he asked her to be his girlfriend from the days prior. They wanted it to be as comfortable for her. Making sure the couch had blankets and pillows for her.

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