06. Affection

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(n.) butterflies in one's stomach

song request: 10 months by enhypen
(rookie of the year)
wishlist by txt

A few days have passed. The days have been slow but good ones. They have gotten to know each other a lot more now, becoming closer everyday. Yeona was starting to open and feel more comfortable around them.

This was the first time in years that Yeona felt comfortable in other people's present. Of course her barriers haven't completely crumbled yet. She still didn't have the strength to talk about the trauma Hyunmin brought down on her all these years. One thing she knew though is that sooner than later she will be able to talk about it with them along with Mr. and Mrs. Kim, and her mom.

It was currently Wednesday afternoon. Yeona, Heeseung, and Jay were inside the bakery for her shift. This was only the second one she had so far since Sunghoon and Jungwon has accompanied her to work.

It was just another day. She gave the two boys some deserts to eat while she worked around the shop handling the sweets and costumer orders.

One thing she liked about having that little company is that they made it even more enjoyable. Her job was already one main place she felt secured and warm, but having that extra add on, it was even better.

The difference between today from last time is that the other five boys were going to come by the shop at the end of her shift because today was the day they decided to help clean her apartment of the disaster Hyunmin left for her.

She had told them to not worry about it, that she'd be okay doing it herself. She didn't want them to get deeper into her problems, but the boys assured her that it was okay.

Her shift was coming to an end for the day. The others were on their way over.

Yeona quickly cleaned around the shop of any messes. Her co-worker usually starts an hour after her, so she wanted to make sure no mess was being left for them or the Kims.

"Yeona, could you please do the last order before leaving. It's just one cake and a dozen cupcakes." She nodded and went to grab the box that held the sweets.

While packing the order she heard the bells ringing indicating that someone was entering the shop. She looked up to see the boys. They waved at her.

"Hey, I'll be out in a minute, I just have to prepare my last order for the day."

"Take your time, we'll just wait here," they sat at the table Heeseung and Jay were already occupying.

Mrs. Kim walked from the back room, "more friends of yours I see, Yeona."

She looked up to see Mrs. Kim walking towards the boys. Mentally screaming for her to not say anything embarrassing. She quickly finished the box and put it in the fridge till the costumer had to pick it up.

Untied her apron and putting on her coat, rushing out to the others before Mrs. Kim can say anything.

"I didn't know Yeona had such handsome friends." Yeona groaned when she heard her. The boys just chuckled.

"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Kim." The boys politely bowed.

"Which one of you is her boyfriend she has yet to introduce us to?" Yeona started to cough lightly to the sudden question.

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