01. Familiarity

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(v.) to become free, to break loose
Tw // abuse (mild), swearing (mild)

Pain is the familiar feeling. It was the usual for her, from the second her eyes opened, to when she shut them. Familiarity that was once a feeling of love and comfort; now a feeling of misery and suffering.

The boy who once was her favourite place, one she'd call home. Now, it was nothing but a bruised and broken home she couldn't wait to break from. Her boyfriend was one to say his aggressiveness was out of love. Every hit was affection and every bruise was a form of love. At first she'd believe him, every word of his was a way of showing her he loved her. Now, she doesn't know what to believe.

Fear lingered inside her. Fear of leaving, knowing that this is the only place she has. Even if it's as painful as it is, it's still the most recognizable place. The only place she knows. To leave would mean she'd have to trust again, and she doesn't know if she'll ever be able to trust anyone, not knowing if it'll end up like how it is now. Afraid it'll become a never ending loop of a nightmare.

It was another day in Yeona's life, one she wish she could just get up and leave. Fearful of what could come if she did, the extra pain she'd be put through from her boyfriend Hyunmin. She had noticed a message from him, telling her that he was picking her up in an hour so they can meet up with his friends. His friends weren't aware of what goes on in their relationship, but they weren't the best people to be around either honestly. That's why they were his friends.

She knew she would be uncomfortable in anything she'd put on, her insecurities taking over after countless times she'd be shamed by her boyfriend. Putting on a pair of dark blue mom jeans she felt most comfortable in, along with her long sleeved turtleneck and black coat. It started to get cold out as winter was approaching them, but that was just her excuse to hide her bruised arms from others. She would get yelled at by Hyunmin if she dared to show or tell anyone about them. She opted for light makeup and her natural hair down to keep her delicate skin warm.

A rough knock on her door sent her out of her thoughts. Her boyfriends aggressive manner that she's now used to. "I've called you multiple times, what did I say about not answering me when I call you," he sternly stated. Once again, she was used to his tone being demanding and rough.

"I'm sorry. I dropped my phone between the couch cushions and couldn't reach it by the time you called. It won't happen again, I promise." He scoffed but left it at that for now. Not in the mood to do anything else at that moment.

"Let's go, you're taking up my time with your stupid behaviour. The boys have been waiting for you to hurry the fuck up." She knew they weren't, but she knew he was and that was the only important thing to him.

He didn't care about how he treated her behind closed doors. He acts so perfect in public, like he deserves the best boyfriend award for how caring he acts towards Yeona. But the only award he deserves was for his role for best actor of the year.

They currently sat inside a large cafe. It was one of Yeona's favourites; it was large but cozy. It had greenery around, along with beautiful soft light fixtures. It was her go to place when she wanted to get away and sit alone with a warm drink. Not often can she be away from her boyfriend, and when she was away from his site he demanded to know exactly she was and her sent location.

She attempted multiple times to leave him or go somewhere without him and it ended up in her getting hurt more; so she knew to just follow his rule for now, just until she can do something.

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