07. Gifts

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(n.) a feeling of warmth and cosiness as you enjoy life's simple pleasures

song request: sweet nights by v
hug by seventeen
in front of city hall at the subway station by kwak jin eon
(i just added some slow songs that I like for this chapter. Listen to any other songs if you'd like)

Christmas, what a magical and warm time it is. Well at least for most people, Yeona not being one of them. Just like her birthday, she spends the time in a not so festive way.

Last Christmas was one of the better ones until it turned into the usual mess with Hyunmin. Let's just say that the Christmas tree that Yeona spent hours perfecting took only three seconds for Hyunmin to ruin.

Every memory of special days ended up ruined one way or another. All the good memories were overshadowed by the bad ones, even her childhood memories were a bit blurred in her mind. She had always been alone without no one to call home, no one to make those memories with. Not until now.

"I can't wait till Christmas. Why can't it come any sooner." Sunoo whined.

"Speaking of Christmas, what's our plans this year? Is anyone going back home?" Jay said.

"Not sure about you guys but my parents booked a trip so I'll be here." Heeseung chimed in.

"Will you be staying here Yeona, for the holidays?" Niki asked her.

"Um, I can go back to my apartment if you guys don't want me to join, I could ask Mrs. Kim if I can just hang around the shop. I don't wanna barge into your guys celebration."

"Are you crazy, why wouldn't we let you stay and celebrate with us. You're apart of our lives now, we are doing everything together now on, alright. So never ask if you're allowed to join, you always join in." Sunghoon sternly said to her. She nodded.

"Well if you guys need decoration I have lots back at my place, we can use them to decorate around the apartment. I don't have my tree anymore, oh and some ornaments may be broken, Hyunmin threw them during a fight las...never mind that, but we can grab them later on." Yet again she ignored the topic of Hyunmin, and again the boys just let it slide by, for now.

"That sounds great. We can go and pick them up, as well as a tree. It'll give us a week to set everything up around here and make it fun." Jungwon declared.

"What about presents?" Sunoo asked.

"Hmmm, I mean with Yeona, we don't want her anywhere she could be hurt. We never know who'll be around and-" Jake began but was cut off by Yeona.

"I don't work this Thursday, if you guys are free. We could go that day."

"Are you sure Yeona, we don't want you to force yourself." Jay replied.

"I really want to, I don't want to spend this Christmas like every other miserable one. I want to buy you guys presents, decorate a tree without it smashed by the end of the night, and just celebrate. Just this once. Please." Yeona pleaded. She deeply sighed and dropped her head into her hands.

Heeseung brought his hand up to rub her shoulder lightly, "don't worry, you'll have the best Christmas this year. I promise, okay?"

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