02. Sick

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(n.) no longer feeling any affection for someone you once loved

song request: wrong directions- hailee steinfeld
(this song is perfect for this chapter, especially since the lyrics are related to this chapter. So have a listen and enjoy)

< Tw // abuse, swearing >

Sickness taking over Yeona's body the longer she's in this relationship. She doesn't know if it's the relationship in its self that's making her become weaker everyday, or if it's Hyunmin's actions causing her to feel like this. It doesn't matter which one it is, all she knows is it's becoming unbearable. No amount of medication will help, and no amount of reassurance from Hyunmin about his love for her will get better.

She doesn't remember when she first started to doubt their relationship, whether it was when the lies started or the constant 'affection' hits to her. Whether it was either or, she knew that Hyunmin wasn't going to stop his actions. No amount of pleading and begging she does will stop him. She allowed him to go on for years without ever doubting his love for her, nothing will get him to go back to her first love. The first love she once knew, the one she adored.

It has been a couple of days since the incident. She has been avoiding Hyunmin every chance she could get. Calling him to say that she'll be staying home for the next couple of days because of sickness that's been consuming her energy away. This time she wasn't lying, she had been getting sicker everyday, weaker every morning. Her body is at its last life, and she knew it wasn't going to get better if she didn't do anything to help it.

She woke up from her 2 hour nap, hoping that she'd feel better after it. Of course, she was feeling the exact same, even worse after seeing messages from Hyunmin on her screen. She looked over to her clock and seen it was 8:30 pm.

"Hey, sorry I just woke up from my nap. I'll come over in an hour. I need to pick up medication from the store. My flu hasn't gone down yet." She got up, putting on her black sweats and her puffy jacket to keep her warm from the cold outside.

"Pick me up some cigarettes, you already know the ones. Don't get the wrong ones," he hung up the phone without saying goodbye, as usual.

She picked up her purse, walking out, locking the door behind her. She pulled her jacket closer to her body as she walks into the sharp air. For a night that cold, the streets were packed with people leaving and going into bars, restaurants, or stores. Couples, friends, families laughing with one another, messing around. She was envious of them to say the least. To have people around and actually enjoy their presences not worrying about if she'd be hurt by them.

Not realizing that she had zoned out, bumping into someone causing her to drop her purse with her belongings falling out.

"Shoot, I'm so sorry, I should have been paying attention," she apologized to the person.

"Watch where you're going little girl," the drunk man yelled at her, stumbling away. She signed, kneeling to pick up her stuff from the ground before anyone could step on them.

"Here, I'll help you." She looked up to see a boy smiling down at her. She recognized him, but she couldn't pin point where she had seen him before.

"Oh, thank you," she got up along with the boy. He gently placed her phone and wallet in her purse and handed it to her.

"You have to be careful, these drunks have no sense of common," he chuckled, "I'm Jungwon by the way, you are?" He asked her.

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