Chapter 21- Bethany's Birthday

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WARNING; Self harm trigger and eating disorder trigger

"The last couple safe from elimination and going into the semi finales is... MARIA AND DEREK!" Derek felt his chest relax a bit. He wasn't sure if Maria and him were going to make it. But they did.

"AH! Congrats babe." Chloe kissed Derek quickly before wrapping her arms around him.

"Thanks, listen you have to go home alone. Maria and I have to get straight to work so we're rehearsing tonight."

"Awe.." Chloe whined.

"I'm sorry babe." Derek rubbed her shoulder

"It's ok, I know it's your job."



"No Witney! I don't want to spend my birthday watching my ex boyfriend dance."

"But I'm dancing! So is Mark, and Val! They love you. PLEASSEEEE. This is my first time in semi-finales!"

"Fine... But Eldon's coming."

"Ok!" Witney perked up, "So what is going on between you and Eldon?"

"Nothing." Bethany said flattly.

"You guys sure have spent a lot of time together recently though..."

"Yah cause he knows no one else in LA.."

"He can go explore himself."


"Bethany." Witney mocked.

"Seriously, nothing is going on."

"Okk... K well, I'm going to head out. I've got rehearsal."

"DIdn't you just get here from rehearsal?"

"This one is with Mark, We're doing a dance for the finales. I gotta go,  you want me to bring you anything back? Starbucks or something?"

"No I'm good." Bethany smiled.

"Are you sure? I can't remember the last time you had Starbucks. Who are you and what have you done with my best friend." Witney joked.

Bethany laughed awkwardly but not so awkward enough for Witney to notice.

Because it was kind of true, she was a different person. Her old self was lost.


"Witney babe, you ok?"


"You ok?" Mark sat down beside Witney wrapping his arm around her for comfort.

"It's been 3 weeks..."

"We've only been together for 2.."

"No, since Bethany and Derek.."

"Oh... Why are you so bugged about this?"

"Because, Somethings different with Bethany, but I can't tell what."

"How do you know somethings different?"

"She acts different, I don't mean she's doing drugs or drinking. It's like little things, she's been working out more..."

"Isn't that a good things? She's probably taking the breakup pain into working out.''

"It's not just that. I offered to get her Starbucks after rehearsal and she refused. She always refuses since the breakup. Before she'd ask me to always get a venti. And she just seems so distant.."

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