Chapter 15-Always

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It was September 27th. It was Bethany and Derek's 3 month anniversary. However, since Derek just got to Bethany's house from rehearsal. It was a low key night. Filled with laugher, movies, and food. As Bethany sat on the couch picking out a movie, Derek was getting a few snacks from her kitchen. He walked up to Bethany from behind and said,

"Happy 3 month babe!" Derek wrapped his arms around Bethany from behind.

"Happy 3 month.." She smiled leaning in for a kiss.

As their lips collided everything felt right. Until her phone started ringing. Before picking up she groaned slightly. Her lips still attached to Derek's.


"Hi, is the Bethany Mota?" A voice asked.

"Uh... Speaking. Who's this?"

"This is LA PD. We have a Steven Williams here under arrest for posession of drugs. He said for us to call you for the bail. We'll need you here within the next 2 hours. His jail time is 4 months otherwise. Thank you."

With that... The line went dead.

"Who was that?" Derek asked sitting next to Bethany.

"LA PD..." Bethany sat looking dumbford for a minute.

"Wait what? Wha- What did they want?" Derek worried.

"Uh... They said Steven got arrested for drug posession and that he said I'd be his bail..."

"You arn't considering going right?" Derek asked raising an eyebrow.

Bethany didn't reply she just thought for a moment.

"Bethany." Derek said sternly.

"Come on, we're going." Bethany got up to leave.

"Babe, why are you going to bail him out? He's been creeping you out for months now!" Derek tried to stop her.

"Who said anything about bailing him out?" Bethany smirked grabbing Derek's hand.


"Are you Ms. Mota?" A male police officer asked.

"I am." Bethany replied.

"And who is this man you're with?"

"Uh, my boyfriend Derek."

"Oh... Alright."

"Is there a problem officer?" Bethany asked.

"It's just... Steven told me to call his girlfriend to bail him out. Then gave us your name and number."

"He did what?" Bethany chocked up.

"Has he shown any stalker like activity with you Ms. Mota?"

"Yah... Kind of. I mean we went on one date a few months ago, before Derek and I started seeing eachother. Since then. I guess he's been pushing himself on me. Asking for a second date, dating my friend to get close to me.. Stuff like that." Bethany explained.

"Punching me in the face...." Derek mumbled looking away.

"I'm sorry sir, what was that?" The officer asked Derek.

"He punched me in the face sir." Derek explained.

"This is what I thought." The officer looked down onto his notepad.

"What?" Bethany asked suspiciously.

"We run phyc evaluation on anyone we arrest involving drugs. Often times it a drug dealer, sometimes it's cause they have mental issues. Though it seems in this case, it's both. Ms. If what your telling me is true. After Steven returns from a mental institution he will still own time regardless. Can you give any witnesses about any of the events you've told me?"

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