Chapter 5- I love you

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"So what's going on with you?" Sadie asked laughing sitting down at their table.

"I don't know what your talking about..." Bethany giggled.

"You just... Seem so much more happy. You always are happy, but it's like, bubbly Beth!" 

"I guess if I had to tell anyone it would be you..." Bethany looked down at her menu before continuing. "I- me and- Derek and I are back together."

"OMG YAY!" Sadie cheered!

"Your happy for me?"

"Why wouldn't I be! You guys are literally perfect together!! You guys are like-"

"Sorry to interrupt, but are you guys ready to order?" Our waitress asked.

"Uh yah I'll have the thai chily chicken." Sadie ordered.

"And I'll take the fettuccine alfredo." Bethany responded

"Great! Your food will be up in about 20 minutes!"

"Thanks." Both girls responded as the waitress walked away.

"SOOO... How'd it happen? Sadie asked with her wide eyes staring at Bethany.

"Well, I got homr from the Groove a few nights ago and there he was, he wouldn't go home until I let him in, so I let him in and it just.. Happened. We spent all of yesterday together, and it just... Felt right." Bethany blushed deeply.

"AWE!" Sadie gushed, "I'm so happy your happy! We have to go on a double date!"

"Well, talk to Derek about it cause unless it's at my house or something it's not gonna happen, we wanna keep it quiet for a bit.."

"Oh, double movie date at your place?"

"Fine by me!"

"Ah! This is so exciting!"

"Sadie, your more excited about this than I am!" Bethany joked.

"Whatever." Sadie rolled her eyes and laughed

The food came shortly after and the two girls ate their meals and just talked. It was something that the two could easily do together.

At the dance studio with Derek he was on his lunch break when Lucy walked up to him.

"Hey Derek, my grandparents are in town so my brother's picking me up earlier is that ok?"

"Yah sure, no problem! Just let him check in with me when he's here, this way I'll now you weren't kidnapped or something." Derek joked

"Yah ok!" Lucy walked away with her friends.

Little did Derek know, who Lucy's brother was...

"5 6 7 8!" Mark yelled as the young kids started to dance.

They only got through about 10 bars when the studio doors opened, and a brown haired guy walked through, and this guy was a face that Derek was not a fan of...

"Hi, can I help you?" Mark asked stopping the music

"Ya, I'm here to pick up my sister Lucy?" He stated.

"Oh ok, just go sign her group sheet, she's 13 so her sheets with Derek." Mark said pointing over to where Derek was sitting.

He walked over to where Derek was and signed the sheet, he looked up and recognized Derek...

"Hey, your the dude who knew Bethany right?" 

"Yah..." Derek replied awkwardly...

Before he saw it coming, Derek felt a fist to his face.

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