Chapter 9- A Trip to New York

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"What!" Derek asked slightly annoyed

"Why the hell did Sadie text me a TMZ video about YOU and some blonde together from last week!"

"Wait.. WHAT!" Derek jumped from his bed and took Mark's phone watching the video.

"Did Bethany see this..." Derek asked scared.

"Why do you think Sadie sent it to me."

"That's why she won't text me back. Or return my calls..." Derek fell onto his bed.

"Derek... Who the hell is she..."

"Chloe... She's a model in town..."

"Why were you kissing her cheek! Why did you... Is she the reason why you never go out with the other pros and I out!?"

"Yah.. She's why..."

"Derek... Explain." Mark took a breath to calm down.

"She's a model. I've met her a few years back. We kinda dated, it only lasted maybe 2 weeks. We ended it cause I was busy with the show and her career just took off. But we kept in touch kind of. She texted me that day we got here and said we should catch up. That's all it is, I swear. I kind of got a feeling back but, i realized it's just sisterly love. That's how I see her as. I realized it last time I was with her. I felt a tingle with her, I feel a whole firework show with Behtany..."

"Ok, Derek I believe you. I know your not the kind of guy to cheat. But you have to keep in mind it's the way it looks, and it looks like you two are together." Mark bit his lip. Derek notice and asked,

"What's wrong?"

"The last time you were with this Chloe girl... Was it exactly a week from last week?"

"Uhh..." Derek stopped to think, "Yah actually it was. Why..?"

"The reason why Bethany hasn't replied to you in anyway is.. Well, uhh she called you so you could explain yourself and a women picked up the phone.''

"No..." Derek's eyes widened, "How am I suppose to fix this!"

"Calm down! We'll figure it out." Mark calmly stated.

"How?!?!" Derek starts freaking out more.


"DEREK! We're on." WItney said very flatly snapping his out of though

As they made their way to their first position of their Samaba Witney starts talking,

"Why would you do that to Bethany.."

"Wit, you have to let me explain.."

"She's my best friend! You already hurt her! For the past week she's been drowning herself in editting and her music! She won't even go out for Starbucks with Sadie!" Witney hissed.

"That blonde in the photos is just a friend I swear..."

"Then why did she pick up your phone!? And why lie!?"

"I was probably in the washroom, and I didn't tell anyone cause... I don't know.... I thought you guys would think I was cheating if I said I'm meeting a friend who happens to be a girl..."

"And it doesn't look suspicious that you lie!"

"I didn't lie... I just didn't say who I was with..."

"Still... Derek, I have a plan but you have to promise me that that blonde is just a friend. I wanna meet her, deal?"

"Deal... What's the plan?"

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