Chapter 14-Everything Seemed Perfect

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Bethany woke up to a beautiful morning. She was only in her underwear and Derek's button up shirt from last night... 

'What happened' She thought before all the memories of last night flashed through her mind. She blushed at the thought of it all.

As she sprung upwards moving Derek's arms slightly so she could sit up she streched a little as Derek, only in his boxers, began to wake up as well.

"Morning." He said in a very raspy voice.

"Morning." Bethany looked down at him and smiled.

"I love waking up to you like this." Derek bit his lip.

"Like what?" Bethany asked laughing slightly.

"In bed, with only my shirt on. And blushing."

"Your so weird!" Bethany exclaimed getting up. Only to be pulled back by Derek.

"Not so fast." Derek whispered into her ear.

"Derekk! You have rehearsal! Go take a shower while I go make breakfast you goof!"

"Mmm. What time is it?" Derek asked whining.


"Rehearsals in an hour... 5 minutes won't hurt."

"Fine... But only 5 minutes." Bethany tried to fake the fact that she didn't want to cuddle.

"I know you want to cuddle. So stop faking it." Derek said laughing then pulling her in closer, "Do you know what Friday is?" He asked after a moment of silence.

"Uhh... September 27th?" Bethany thought for a moment... "Our 3 month."

"Indeed my love." He kissed her savoring every minutes. As they pulled away Bethany yelled,

"TIMES UP! SHOWER UP YOU BIG GOON!" Bethany clapped her hands getting up... Only to realize how sore she was...

"I'm showered after the shower yesterday. But I have to once again, cause of what happened last night... Totally worth it..." Derek smirked getting up.

Bethany thought Derek didn't realize she was sore... Down there, but before entering the bathroom he turned around and said,

"Was I that good baby? Damn... I don't know if ice well help with that kind of pain." He winked as she blushed.

She was making bacon and eggs with some coffee to go. When Derek comes up to her... Shirtless. And wrapped both arms around her.

"What's cooking, good looking?"

"Eggs and Bacon. Go put your shirt on! You have rehearsal in 40 minutes!" Bethany put the food on a plate.



"Your wearing my shirt..."

Bethany didn't reply, she just walked out with his red flannel she kind of claimed and handed it too him. Derek was hesitant.

"What now!" Bethany threw her hands up.

"Well, You have no idea how... Sexy you look in my clothes, and I wish you could wear that everyday. But... I'd rather have that one... Cause this one... It's the first shirt you wore that's mine. It's the one you stole and I can't help it but.. It almost reminds me of how much I love you. How you own my heart..." He gushed.

"You know I'll probably steal it back eventually." Bethany started to button up his shirt smiling.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He kissed her.

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