Chapter 31- My Hero

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"We have landed. Welcome to New York" The intercome said.

"Babe, wake up. We landed." Derek shook.


"Beth, seriously wake up."

"Ok...." Bethany murmured cuddling into Derek harder.

Derek laughed and stood up making bethany fall into the seat that he was just in.


"Come on! Let's go." 

The couple walk into the airport to met guys with cameras screaming questions.

"Just ignore them." Derek whispered into her ear.

Bethany had just nodded and followed Derek out. They called a cab to take them to their hotel.

While Derek was checking in at the hotel a young 14 year old girl walked up to Bethany,

"Hi... Can I get a photo?"

"Sure!" Bethany smiled and took a selfie with the girl.

"Thank you! I just wanted to say thank you for being such an inspiration. I love you so much!"

"Awe! Thank you!! I love you too!" Bethany hugged her and she walk away.

"I love seeing you with your fans." Derek said causing her to turn around.

"Why?" Bethany laughed.

"Cause it gives me another reason to love you. Not that I need it. But your kind heart is just soo.... Perfect." Derek pulled Bethany into him kissing her on the head

"Do you have the room key?" Bethany asked.

"Yah we better start heading up." Derek let go of the small girl and took her hand.


"Derek! I'm heading out for a bit. Do you want me to bring you anything?"

"Uh, maybe just a sandwhich or something. I'll be back around 7 so I wouldn't have eaten yet."

"Ok. Well I'll stop by that little cafe on my way home."

"Ok have fun." Derek kissed Bethany before she headed out.

Bethany had a pretty chilled out day. She just roamed the streets of New York. It was New Years Eve tomorrow and Derek and herself were going to the party in Time Square. She was currently in a little dress shop trying on a dress. No not just a dress. The dress, the dress for her New Years with Derek.

It was sparkly, duh! And was silver on top then gradually ombred into a gold. It was just past her knees and had about one inch thick straps. Bethany was looking at herself in the mirror when she heard someone say her name.


Bethany turned around to be face to face with..


"Eldon? Hey it's so nice seeing you."

"Yah you too! I thought I saw that beautiful face through the window. So I'd thought I'd come in and check. I miss you.''

"You too."

"So what are you doing in New York?"

"Uh.. A little vacation I guess."

"Cool, cool. Why didn't you tell me you were coming. You could've stayed with me."

"Oh no, it's ok. It was kind of a last minute thing."

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