Chapter 10-New Friends & Old Faces

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"Uhh... Hi." Bethany looked down and shuffled her feet.

"Listen I just wanted to say that I'm so sorry about causing issues in your relationship with Derek! We are just friends I swear! He acutally only ever talked about you, you seem like an amazing girl I hope we can be friends. I just wanted to come and apologize. But have fun tonight, Derek had me help out a little." Chloe was about to walk away when...

"Chloe... We should hangout next time your in LA. Swap numbers?" Bethany said with a smile.

Most girlfriends would be jealous and hate on the girl that your boyfriend had a thing with. But something inside of Bethany told her that it was ok, that this happened for a blooming of a new friendship. The two girls  swapped numbers and went their seperate ways. The car drove for about 15 minutes. It stopped in front of a small store. It confused Bethany so much. She stepped inside and realized it was a small candle store. The sign outside had said closed, hwoever there was a sheet of paper outside as well that said, 

"Come in B."

She started to walk around, noticing the way Derek had decorated it. A bunch of candles lite all around. The room smelt like am mixture of vanilla, mint, and something warm and spicy. It was heavenly, with the candle lite room rose pedals scatter on the floor with a single rose in front of her feet with a note attached to it.

"As beautiful as a rose. As bright and sweet as the candles around you. How did I get so lucky? To find a girl like thee. Turn around B."

She did as the note said to be face to face with none oher than Derek.

"Derek... This is amazing."

"Nothing is too big for my B." Derek opened his arms wide for Bethany to into them.

"I love you." Bethany hummed into his shoulder.

"I love you too." Derek kissed Bethany's head and grabbed her hand, "Come with me."

Derek lead Bethany through to the back of the store where in the middle of the room stood a beatiful small box with detail to it painted on.

"What's in the box?" Bethany asked.

"Open it." Derek smiled as Bethany walked over to the box.

As she opened it she saw something.... So simplistic yet still made her tear up. All it was was a photo of them... Together. She was on his back and they were looking at eachother.. It was the one she found before calling Steven... The one that reminded her how much she loved him...

"It's one of my favorites." Derek said from behind, wrapping his arms around her.

"Me too." She smiled and kissed him. 

And just like the photo, it was a simplistic kiss. But it was still beautiful


It's been almost a month since Bethany and Derek were in New York. They had 2 weeks until September. September marked a new season of Dancing With The Stars. Bethany, Derek, Mark, and WItney were on their way to go pick up Chloe. Like Bethany and Chloe agreed, they would hang out next time she would be in LA. And that's today.

"I'm I the only one who hasnt met this Chloe chick?!" Mark exclaimed a little mad when he found out Witney met Chloe after the deal her and Derek made.

"Yup, pretty much." Bethany laughed looking back at Mark and Witney through the mirror in the car.

"So apparently, her new boyfriend lives in town and he was in New York too. This should be fun." Derek said laughing.

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