Chapter 19- True Intensions

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"DEREK HOUGH!" Derek heard a female voice yell his name. He turned around to see a small angry blonde... Witney.

"What?" He sighed knowing what this was about.

"How come I just got off the phone with Bethany... She told me to go pick her up cause you didn't show up!"

"Why would I? We broke up!"

Witney looked at him shocked,

"2 things... 1. Just because you guys broke up doesn't mean you leave her at an airport alone! 2. Bethany refuses to tell me why you guys broke up so I'm going to ask you. WHAT DID YOU DO!?"

"Listen, I don't want anything to do with her. That's why I'm not picking her up. We didn't agree to be friends. Thus I don't have to pick her up. Tell her I'm sorry I didn't show up to get her but she deserves to be left there if she's going to be a bitch."

"Woah... When the hell was she a bitch! SHE'S BEEN IN NEW YORK ALL WEEK!"

"You wanna know what she hasn't told you about our break up! Here it is, I didn't do anything this time. This time, it was all her. She confronted Chloe about the abortion she had with my child. And gets better, your going to love this part. She called Chloe a slut and a bad mother if she kept the kid. Chloe called me crying afterwards god damn!"

Witney was shocked.. This didn't sound like Bethany at all. And it wasn't, Witney knew that.

"There's no way Bethany would say that. Not possible."

"Then go ask her youself! She had no right to even bring up the topic with Chloe! Because it was done with. Chloe's flying in tomorrow and she's staying with me, you wanna talk to her too? Go ahead." Derek finished with that and left the studio.

Witney was about to go into her car to go pick up Bethany when Mark stopped her,

"Hey Witney?"


"Are you busy?"

"Kind of. I have to go pick Bethany up from the airport."

"I thought Derek was picking her up?"

"So did I.. But apparently not. Ever since they broke up he's been-"

"Wait... They broke up?" 

"You didn't know?"

"No... But that would explain why Derek's being so bitter." Mark stopped to think, "Anyways I was just wondering... You know, we've been on a few dates now and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend offically?" Mark smiled looking down.

Witney was flattered, and she was about to say yes. Then her phone goes off,


Witney!!! Please hurry up. There's this guy staring at me and it's creeping me out. Are you almost there I've been sitting here for 4 hours.

"I gotta go." Witney opened the car door.

"But what's your answer?"

"S-E-Y" Witney spelt.

"What?" Mark's eyebrow raised in confusion,

"What S-E-Y spelt backwards?"

Mark took a second before saying,

"Yes." Then it snapped. He hugged Witney so tight and laid a kiss on her, Witney pulled away a few seconds after,

"I actually do have to go pick up Bethany. I'll call you later."

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