Chapter 17- Something to Worry About

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"Uhh.. I thought you had a anniversary dinner.... With your wife." Witney snapped

"Yah but I'm here now. I left early."



"I don't want to see someone who's already married... Sorry, you should probably go." Witney said..

"Oh come on! Don't be that kind of girl."

"What kind of girl? The kind who's not into cheating bastards like yourself?" Mark stood up.

"Dude, screw off." Hunter started to get mad

"Make me! Now get the hell outta here! Witney is freaking amazing and it's your loss. Now go back to your wife who probably has no idea your here trying to get in another girls skirt!"

With that... Hunter threw a punch right at Mark's lip. Mark about to throw a punch back, Derek quickly stepped in stopping the fight until security got there.

"What's going on?"

"This guy is just harassing my date sir." Mark said wiping the blood from his lip.

"Your date? That's my date."

"Miss?" The guard looked at Witney.

"Can you just take him away... Please." Witney looked down.

"Come on, your banned. We have a no fight policy here.''

Before Hunter was taken away, he looked at Bethany and said,

"Your pretty hot. Call me up if you wanna-"

"She's taken." Derek hissed wrapping his arm protectively over Bethany.

As the guard and Hunter left Witney took a breathe laughing.

"Why are you laughing!" Mark suprised.

"Cause now I know how Bethany felt around Steven."

That comment made everyone laugh.


"Well... That was a very.... Interesting date." Bethany laughed.

"Better than our date with Steven and Chloe." Derek said as he put down his coat, "But now it's just you and me." He started to kiss Bethany's neck.

"Mmm.... Babe, I have that interview tomorrow. I can't be tired" 

"Finee. What time do you have to be at the office?"

"10 til 3."

"I'll come at 2 I have rehearsal til 1ish."

"Mmk.." Bethany murmured into his chest.

"I should probably head home. All my rehearsal papers are there." Derek spoke making Bethany pout.


"I love you." Derek looked at Bethany dead in the eye.

"I hate that your not staying but I love you too." Bethany grinned.

Derek kissed her quickly before leaving.


"Soo Bethany! You are just on fire right now! So much new music, hitting 8 MILLION subscribers, your own clothing line. Is there something you can't do!" Victoria the interviewer laughed.

"I can't dance!" Bethany laughed.

"But your dating a dancer, am I right? Derek Hough??" Victoria winked.

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