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"Aria, you have one heart..." Reginald rests a hand on my shoulder. I sigh and turn to him. "I know... I'll make it quick." A smirk plays on my lips, and Reginald gives me a warm smile. "Of course you will..." With that, I feel his power shift through us both just as the Evoker shouts "NO!". His ravager roars and charges forward, but we were already in the air above him. Reginald lets me go, and I twirl as I fall. The sound of the sword slicing through the air echoes, and the wave it releases rings across the landscape. I see the Evoker raises his head, and he dives off a split second before the wave cuts down on the Illager beast.

The creature releases a massive roar of agony, and I land on one knee. Carefully, I stand and raise my sword just as a Vex swipes at my head. It clashes against my sword, and I push it away. Ducking down, I feel the second skim the back of my head. In instinct, I kick out behind me and feel my foot collide with the gut of another Vex. The fourth, however, slices out towards my face. I barely move in time to miss a severe hit, but the blade grazes against my old wound. I hiss and flip over completely, landing a swift kick on the back of the Vex. Just as I straighten, I raise my sword right as the Evoker's fist slams against it. I feel the ground beneath us shake in response, and the Illager smirks. 


I growl and push him back, and he shakes his hands. He starts to walk around, and I mirror his movements. I can feel myself losing control of my ender half, and the constant low growl I kept releasing was only a sign of that. I could tell the Evoker knew more than he was letting on, as his smirk only grows wider. "How long do you think you can hold on to your sanity?" The cackle he lets off makes my blood boil. I launch forward and slice at him, snarling as he summons the fangs around him. My sword cuts the head off the nearest one, clearing a way through for me. At the last second, the Evoker raises his hand. An axe is in it, and it collides with the blade of my sword. 

And holds.

I snarl and push against him. His smirk finally falls, which makes one form on my lips. "You'll break before I fall." He says, pushing up against his back leg. His lips curl into a frown, and he starts to speak again. "You will never win against him! He always wins! You have no chance-" He is interrupted as my head collides with his own. He stumbles back, and I twirl around. My foot crashes against his chest, making him slide back even further. I stand tall, flipping my sword in my hand.

"You talk too much."

 The Evoker snarls and charges at me this time. I can barely contain my smirk as I raise my sword and begin parrying each attack. His rage was starting to break through his 'macho' façade. I could see it in his eyes. Finally, pieces were starting to fall into place, and I simply needed to make sure I made it through this fight...

Alive, preferably.

I feel my back tingle, and I notice I am close to the wall a moment too late. My back pushes against it, and I grunt as the Evoker suddenly stops attacking and instead pushes our weapons against each other. His whole weight presses down against my sword, and I feel my spine press into the stone wall. 

It hurt.

My smirk falls as the final piece of the puzzle falls as well. The Evoker growls, putting both hands on the handle of the axe and pressing further in. I struggle to stay standing, stuck in a slight crouch to keep my strength behind my blade. I could feel something different in his fight now, and I grunt as I feel the pain slightly spike in my back. I needed to act soon, or this would be the last battle I have...

Pain flares from my leg, and I finally stare straight at the Evoker's eyes. Tears were starting to fall from his eyes, and they were falling on my right leg, soaking through the pants where my ender half had fully spread. I lift my gaze tobhim again, and my eyes widen as I finally whisper out three words.

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